pretty good

來源: englishreader 2009-10-18 22:21:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (935 bytes)
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回答: (reading practice) Dancing with devilenglishreader2009-10-18 13:20:46
Another netizen self3 read in a typical British accent. so I assume you are reading in general american accent. Since I have read once myself, I might have bias somehwere. Since you read after me, you definitely look for some kind of feedbacks from your reading. My feeling is that typical American [r] isn't properly pronounced, see awkward, startled, party. The word fast in American general accent should be pronounced its vowl as rhymed with "bat" ( I failed the last "fast" from my own reading on this one), your one is more a British version. Also, handsome's first vowl should be rhymed with bat. The last "girl" seem missing [r] sound. I hope my feedbacks are useful to you.

Overall. you read very fluently. The intonation is very good. I am also looking for some spooky feeling from your reading, which seem not there. (Look like I also failed adding spooky feeling into it, since I didn't scare people away).


Thanks. (my earlier reply might have been dropped by WXC) -北京二號- 給 北京二號 發送悄悄話 北京二號 的博客首頁 (390 bytes) () 10/18/2009 postreply 22:57:43



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