英語書籍:The Genius Of Instinct(The end)

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英語書籍:The Genius Of Instinct(The end) ZT

The importance of facial expressions and facial movements in social communication among primates has been noted by almost every student of primate behavior and, if you were to review the theory and research on the evolution of facial expressions, you would arrive at similar conclusions that help make the case for why you have emotions, and thus, how to best use them for shelter seeking, or for that matter, how to get out of the proverbial self-destructive relationship, that has been going on for years.

First, the facial neuromuscular mechanisms--the muscles, for example, that are necessary to smile or frown and share other basic expressions--show continuity from the higher primates to man.
Logically, if human facial expressions are more complex and show greater range and number than the facial displays of lower primates, and yet encompass the facial expressions of lower primates, then evolutionary selection must have played an important role in the differentiation of the emotions and the facial expressions that communicate them.

This being the case, then, different emotions should have different adaptive functions. Studies show this to be true, for example, by showing strong evidence for the existence of genetically determined universal behavior patterns that represent several fundamental emotions. Importantly, findings show that significant aspects of emotion communication are based on genetically programmed and species-common behavior patterns--the facial expressions of the fundamental emotions.

All human social bonds or interpersonal relationships are based on emotions, and the emotions are communicated primarily by means of facial expressions.

Thus, evolutionary sciences tell us that the function of an emotion is to 'communicate information.' Strategic evolutionary psychology would instruct you to leverage this function by recognizing and responding to the 'message' of your emotion.

'When' is it time to shelter seek? When your emotions tell you to.

'Functional Distress'

How do your emotions tell you that your environment is serving you well, or that you are satisfied? If you feel engaged, productive, interested, and do not have the urge to seek out a new environment nor the inclination to escape your present one, then your feelings are telling you that you're in a good place.

On the other hand, if you feel sad, downhearted, and discouraged at work, or lonely, isolated, and miserable in your marriage, then your feelings are telling you that it might be time to 'seek out new shelter or adjust.'

Distress is a fundamental emotion that has an important evolutionary function--it communicates to the self and others that 'all is not well,' and, as such, sparks your urge to either change your habitat or leave it. People experience the urge to seek new shelter when they feel distress, whether caused by a dead-end job or a loveless marriage; distress is the motivator to find a new environment. It might appear that the urge is instigated by the incentive of something better, but, in fact, the seeking instincts are more often aroused by dissatisfaction with the status quo.

'Distress Awareness'

To put a face on the emotion, visualize: Eyebrows arched upward and inward, sometimes forming a pie-shaped arch in the lower middle forehead. The inner corners of the upper eyelids are drawn up, and the lower eyelid is pushed upward. The corners of the mouth are drawn downward and the chin muscle is pushed upward and raises the center of the lower lip. To really see it, sit in front of a mirror and put on a "distressed face."

Think of your dominant Environments of Evolutionary Adaptedness-- your work environment and relationships. What are the pervasive emotional moods that characterize them, and what do they communicate about each environment? By pervasive, I mean the typical feelings you continually experience in the course of your day.

For example, some people leave home in a great mood and spend all day at work in a state of frustration and anxiety. Others leave home feeling perturbed and become enthused once their team meeting has started, only to become dejected again shortly after dinner.

Everyone experiences distress at work and at home; that's a norm.
However, when the pervasive mood you experience in these environments is distress, the emotional communication is saying you are not well off.

Reflect on the different emotions and moods that you experience in different environments and compare and contrast--you'll get some quick awareness into how some of your environments elicit different feelings in yourself--some positive, some not so positive.

In particular, in which environment, if any, do you 'feel'
distressed? How distressed? Mother Nature says your 'high intensity'
state of distress is urging you to move, or at the very least, to make adjustments.

Besides intensity, 'length' of distressed time is important, too.
When the distress message is calling you every day in a particular environment, it would be wise to make a move.

Everyday distress is a chronic condition, and, if it has been long term, you have spent a great deal of time already trying to adapt to the situation. Perhaps you are adapting and want to continue doing so. That is an individual choice. But be forewarned that people who choose to expose themselves to long-term distress, whether it is a marriage or a job, are never ones to thrive and feel as though they are living an enhanced live. How could they? There's too much distress.

Sometimes, the distress attributed to a particular environment is short-lived. Your partner's recovery from an illness might distress the whole family for weeks, but it inevitably passes. A company's physical renovation inconveniences everyone. But inevitably, the job is finished. An inexperienced manager is at the helm, but only for a month. A company suffers temporary difficulties because of temporary global events. In situations like this, it would be absurd to "shelter seek," because distress is known to be short-lived, so it is best to adapt to the temporariness of the situation, perhaps with the mental alternation: "It will soon be over."

On the other hand, if distress is intense and long term, your evolved natural instincts are telling you: 'If you want to thrive, you have to leave a situation that you can only survive,' Chronic distress in an environment means move!

These two factors, 'intensity' of distress and 'length' of distress are vital communications. The degree of intensity tells you, "In this environment, you are really not doing well." The length of distress adds: "You've been feeling distressed for a while."

Put the distress messages together: "In this environment, you are not doing well, and it has been for a long time, so you better make a move if you want to do better."

'Follow Your Emotions, Manage Them Not'

When a lower creature is given the message of distress, it listens and makes the appropriate maneuver. It practices self-preservation.

The message for humans is that when you are given the longterm, chronic distress message; 'do not' adhere to the conventional wisdom, to manage your emotions. Use strategic evolutionary psychology wisdom: follow your emotions.

Over the years, I've written several books on managing emotions and have counseled and taught thousands of people how to do just that.
But I've come to question the enhancement value of managing emotions.

In effect, the conventional psychological wisdom behind managing emotions is that to do so will help you be more effective in all aspects of your life. Is this really true? A good case can be made that helping people manage their emotions is simply a way of helping them 'adapt' to their situation, but paradoxically, it keeps them in the situation that inevitably was the source of their distress.

Hardcover: Today's read ends on page 22.


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