英語書籍:The Genius Of Instinct(節選二)

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英語書籍:The Genius Of Instinct(節選二) ZT

In subsequent chapters, you explore each of these instinctual tools and the numerous ways in which they can help you enhance your life.
As you read through the book, you learn that they are all interrelated--each one supports the next:

* Shelter seeking--Helps you get into an empowering environment

* Care soliciting--Helps you protect your vulnerabilities

* Care giving--Helps you develop others

* Beauty--Helps you get others to desire you

* Cooperation--Helps you stimulate and develop fair and productive relationships

* Curiosity--Helps you stay ahead of the pack

Mother Nature boldly tells us that these six instinctual processes are your evolved tools for continually enhancing your health, happiness, creativity, family, and community. And the fact is, they have worked for hundreds of thousands of years--otherwise, according to natural selection, you would not have this natural genius today.

What, exactly, do we mean by 'instinct?' It's a debated concept in the sciences. As you would expect, numerous "experts" have their own definitions for instinct, but most researchers agree on four 'instinctual properties' mandatory for a behavior to qualify as a true instinct:

* It is structured for solving a specific survival (adaptive) problem.

* It develops in all normal human beings.

* It develops without any conscious effort and in the absence of any formal teaching.

* It is applied without conscious awareness of its underlying logic.

I will use the concept of instinct in the broader concept of human nature. 'Human nature' refers to the daily behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and emotions you have that are instinctually rooted. Thus, the genius of your instincts is the best of human nature.

'Instinctual Disconnection'

My consulting and clinical experiences over the past four decades have led me to the conclusion that most people are instinctually disconnected. They have "lost contact" with their instincts, and more often than not, being "ruled by reason" often leads to failure, not success.

Numerous times executives have told me they ignored their instincts and made decisions based instead on spreadsheet data--with disastrous results. Dozens of individuals have told me they chose a course of action even though "It didn't feel right." I've heard countless students say, "I should have known this was the wrong school for me." Many managers have told me, "I went against my instincts and hired him." Of course, we have all heard a variation on that: "I knew I never should have married her."

I've uncovered many reasons for instinctual disconnection, but what is most shocking to me as a psychologist are the countless experiences that show so many people in the working world are 'completely clueless' to their detachment from their instincts of success, even when their poor results smack them in the face. It is mind-boggling how many people present themselves in an unkempt, slovenly manner and are then surprised when they don't get the sales rep job that mandates a professional appearance. It is startling to think of the dozens of executives who have derailed promising careers and are stunned to discover that it's because they are abrasive or cold to their staff. I am stunned at the number of people who find their job or a task difficult but never ask others for help or mentoring. This is more than instinctual disconnection, it is 'instinctual blindness.'

Because we are all unique, we all have different reasons--some more universal than others--why we are instinctually disconnected.
Throughout the book, I present some of the common reasons--gathered from corporate coaching, consulting, teaching, seminar experiences, and clinical practice with individuals and couples--why people in work, family, and marriage environments disconnect from their natural instincts. As we go on this journey together, I implore you to stop reading now and then to think about the concepts, to reflect on the factors that might be causing you to be disconnected from your primal instincts.

Regardless of the reason, instinctual disconnection results in you losing the guidance of your instincts and, therefore, handicaps your chances for success, vibrant health, authenticity, and happiness.

'Life Enhancement'

From my studies and work experiences during the last ten years, I've come to realize that the evolutionary psychology-shaded concepts have great value when strategically applied to the everyday scenarios we encounter, at home and at work. They help us solve a multitude of problems that often stymie us and help us achieve results that impact our life for the better.

I've learned (and so will you, the reader), many specifics, such as how to use your evolved instinctual tools to resolve marital discord, enhance your marriage, including the sex, and become a more attractive mate. I've also learned how evolutionary psychology concepts can help you leave the relationship and job in which you have felt trapped for years.

=========ABOUT THE AUTHOR=============

Dr. Hendrie Weisinger is trained in clinical, counseling, and organizational psychology. A "New York Times" best selling author, he is a leading authority on the application of emotional intelligence, an expert in anger management, and the originator of the highly regarded techniques of criticism training.



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