雙語文摘:英國92歲女歌手Vera Lynn精選碟成銷量冠軍

雙語文摘:英國92歲女歌手Vera Lynn精選碟成銷量冠軍(ZT)

Dame Vera Lynn beat The Beatles and other artists to top the British charts on Sunday, and become the oldest living singer to have a number one hit album, at the age of 92.

Lynn's album outsold recent chart toppers Arctic Monkeys and Jamie T, which reached number two, as the 70th anniversary earlier this month of the outbreak of World War II revived memories of her heyday.

"We'll Meet Again -- The Very Best Of Vera Lynn", a compilation of 24 of her best-loved recordings, has been rising through the charts, 70 years on since she recorded the title track.

Lynn was dubbed the "Forces' Sweetheart" during the 1939-1945 conflict, bolstering spirits with optimistic songs such as "We'll Meet Again", which struck a chord with soldiers heading to war and the families they left behind.

The album was released to coincide with the 70-year anniversary of Britain's declaration of war on Nazi Germany on September 3.

Lynn trumped The Beatles' 12 remastered editions, plus its box sets, released to great fanfare on Wednesday, and four of which are in the top 10.

"I'm so surprised, I can't quite believe it. It really is amazing that this has happened after all these years," she said.

Asked why the album had become popular again, Lynn told the BBC: "I think it's because of the problems that are going on in various parts, and a bit of nostalgia, but I don't know, I'd like somebody to tell me."

Gennaro Castaldo, from music store HMV, said the album had been growing consistently in popularity in recent weeks.

"It's a really lovely surprise, that nobody could have imagined a few weeks ago, and it's ironic that it's taken one revered British icon to block the historic return of another to the top of the charts," he said.

Her album features songs such as "(There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs Of Dover", and "Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart", which was a number one hit in the United States in 1952.

Lynn was born on March 20, 1917 in east London and her singing career was already flourishing when war broke out in 1939.


本月早些時候的“二戰” 爆發70周年紀念喚起了人們對林恩演唱生涯全盛時期的記憶,她的唱片銷量超過了新近的排行榜冠軍“北極猴子”和傑米8226;T。傑米8226;T目前排在第二位。












Vera Lynn: 英籍女歌手,7歲時就開始在工人俱樂部唱歌,15歲時參加了一個舞蹈團。1935年她在Joe Loss樂隊中第一次在電台亮相,1940年開始她的個人演唱生涯。曾主持過BBC電台的“Sincerely Yours”節目,並在節目中演唱她的抒情名曲《你的》(Yours)、《我們會再相逢》(We'll meet again)等,被當時英國海外部隊稱為“部隊情人”。林恩還拍過三部電影。她的多首歌曲進入英國和美國排行榜前30位,其中歌曲《別了,心上人》(Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart)於榜首停留達9周,為1952年第四最佳歌曲。林恩於1975年被授予大英女爵士的頭銜,在英國公眾眼中,她一直都是一位傳奇性的人物。

charts: the weekly lists of the bestselling pop records or the most popular videos (一周一度的)流行音樂排行榜

Arctic Monkeys: “北極猴子”,正火速走紅的英國搖滾樂隊。2002年底,四個十多歲的英國少年組成了一支名叫北極猴子的樂隊,他們在互聯網上創建了自己的網站,把樂隊錄製的歌曲放到網站上,供網友免費下載。沒過多久,他們便成為了互聯網上風頭最勁的網絡樂隊。唱片公司發現了這支頗具市場潛力的樂隊,並與之簽約。北極猴子樂隊與唱片公司簽約後發行的第一支單曲《I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor》剛一麵世,便力壓眾多樂壇老將的得意力作,登上了英國單曲暢銷金榜的榜首。這樣的成就使北極猴樂隊成為了英國迄今為止最成功的網絡樂隊。

Jamie T: 2007年NME音樂大獎“最佳歌手”得主,樂評一致認為他是繼Mike Skinner後,最具天份的英國饒舌樂手。他獨特的腔調與鬼靈精怪的念唱,還有他的創作模式與搞怪天才,讓他在英國樂壇一鳴驚人。

heyday: the period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime 全盛期

title track: 專輯同名歌曲

dub: to give a name to facetiously or playfully 授予……稱號;把……叫做;給……取綽號(He was dubbed Shorty because of his size. 他因身材短小被人取了個矮子的綽號。)

trump: to outdo or surpass 勝過,打敗,贏(As for physique, nature did not deal her an ideal hand, but she trumped every disadvantage. 至於體格,她長得並不理想,但她能克服一切缺憾。)

box set: a compilation of various musical recordings, films, television programs, or other collection of related things that are contained in a box 盒裝全集

fanfare: 誇耀,鼓吹
