lilac,早安,讀得好。分享鋼琴曲:Try To Remember

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Piano: Try To Remember
Artist: Giovanni Marradi

Giovanni Marradi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Giovanni Marradi is a modern Pianist, composer and arranger. He was born the son of the famed Italian trumpeter and conductor Alfredo Marradi; his great-grandfather, also named Giovanni Marradi, was a legendary poet and composer as well.

Giovanni began playing piano at age five, and three years later was sent to study composition and technique with Michael Cheskinov at the Russian Conservatory in Beirut, Lebanon; in the years to follow, he emerged as a remarkably prolific composer, often writing as many as ten new songs each week.

Forming his own label, NewCastle Records, he also hosted his own weekly television series, "Giovanni's World of Music". In 1998 Giovanni signed to Atlantic Records, making his label debut with "Destiny" early the following year. "Classic Nights" with Giovanni television series was released in the summer of 1999, trailed later that same year by "The Magic of Christmas" DVD. Giovanni is also currently selling the "Giovanni Roll Out Keyboard" designed for the beginner and experienced player alike, with a patented "Gini Method" overlay for the keyboard. He is currently composing, recording and performing and lives in Southern California.


hehe, 婉蕠mm, 你早! 謝你的曲. -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (20 bytes) () 09/12/2009 postreply 08:53:11
