
本文內容已被 [ lilac09 ] 在 2009-09-04 05:37:26 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

To sum up, the reason why attending company social events is important for an employee is because it is a great opportunity for him to know an another side of his co-workers and colleagues when he hangs out with them outside the work place and office hours.

You may find out surprisingly your poker-faced manager is also nuts about karaoke, and the seemingly clumsy Johnny who is sitting to you in office is quite agile on the soccer field. You also got to know Anna, the HR assistant, is also a terrific cook by the delicate Lamb Roast dish that she brought to the group annual potluck party. You see things you usually can’t see in office. Your co-workers become more colorful and more human being like to you. They are no longer just Developer Robert, accountant Julia or QA Tim.
And they will also find the same way about you since it is also a great opportunity for you to show your personality and talents in these events.

The more people understand each other better, the better they will bond with each other. Friendship develops while frictions are diminished. People will be more happily work together and more willing to help each other out in difficulties. Thus the assignments and project will be done in a more efficient way. Of course your boss will become happier than ever.

Who said attending company social events is not part of your job?


Wow, lilac, 總結的真好,你的英語寫作是流暢地道,謝謝分享。 -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (87 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 11:49:16

婉蕠, 謝謝你每天都帶來這麽多好的英語資料, so -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (1856 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 15:05:50

Rewriting is a good idea. lilac , thank you for sharing it. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (323 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 16:04:56

婉蕠, 你好純呀。你可能很少竄壇或讀那些亂七八糟的八卦 -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (151 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 16:55:07

回複:婉蕠, 你好純呀。你可能很少竄壇或讀那些亂七八糟的八卦 -任我為- 給 任我為 發送悄悄話 任我為 的博客首頁 (67 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:07:41

回複:回複:婉蕠, 你好純呀。你可能很少竄壇或讀那些亂七八糟的八卦 -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (16 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:37:24

Got it. Thank you. Have a nice evening. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:36:49

Very well written! -eyeyey- 給 eyeyey 發送悄悄話 eyeyey 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:10:09

eyeyey, I could not agree with you more. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:37:58

eyeyey, mm 什麽時候出關呀。大加拿玩好 -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 19:06:18

婉蕠mm, 任我為, eyeyey. Good evening! -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:45:32

回複:嗯,學習了。總結一下 -任我為- 給 任我為 發送悄悄話 任我為 的博客首頁 (44 bytes) () 09/02/2009 postreply 17:59:15
