I totally agree with 紫君mm

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回答: New Concept English III -20 (08/27/09)eyeyey2009-08-27 21:19:10

You are very diligent and persistent. You may not believe that you somehow inpired me to open a English Studying Blog here in the first place. It is easy to do an impulse reading once in a while. But it is really hard to continue it day by day, especially after a long day of hard work and numerous house chores. I call this is a very laborous and pushy way of learning. Here I salute to all the people who have finished NCE book reading or any other English books.

I think I am already a little bit burnt out just after doing this for a week and half. I maybe need to slack off a little bit next week and treat me with something funny - like watching some sitcoms - a more passive way of learning English and I can still feel good about this because I am learning. Always an excuse from a lazy person.:) later on, I can bounce back from my break.

You are doing well so far, but you are just a little too uptight. It doesn't hurt to loosen up a bit sometimes.

This reading is not your best one, not very smooth, uncompleted sound in the words. I have to say that this passage is not easy to read with strange names and locations like tongue twister and not very interesting to me.

I always skip those kind of hard reading or boring articles and pick something I am insterested in, trying make reading an enjoyable experience. Once you master the simple ones, you can always go back to tackle the hard ones with less frustration and more sense of achievement.

If you can learn something everyday, you should be very proud by yourself.

This is my two cents. Have a nice weekend!

