回複:Lesson 20 -- Bob Gets an Angry Call From Carol

來源: YuGong 2009-08-25 22:19:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3039 bytes)
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One of your best readings I ever heard!
More relaxed, sense of intonation etc.
Way to go!

Friendly reiminder: /wei/ sounds like /wi/ and /reiving/ sounds like /riving/.
Check the pronunciation of these two words below.

Carol calls Bob to tell him that a customer found a hair in her cookie. Bob wants Carol to forget about this, but Carol thinks it's very serious. She refuses to buy any more cookies from Bob.
Carol: Bob, a lady came into the Villiage Market today
ranting and raving ( 450) this.width=450" />) .
Bob: Oh yeah? What happened?
Carol: She found a blue hair in her chocolate chip cookie.
Bob: Aha, I can see how she'd be taken aback .
Carol: Does anybody in your family have a blue hair?
Bob: As a matter of fact , my son's girlfriend Amber has blue hair.
Carol: Bob, I can't sell your cookies any more.
Bob: Aren't you blowing things out of proportion ?
Carol: The health department would throw the book at me
if they found out about this.
Bob: Could we just sweep this under the rug ?
Carol: No, it's too serious.
Bob: But I was just getting a handle on the cookie business.
Now what will I do? I don't have any other way ( 450) this.width=450" /> ) of
making a living .
Carol: My heart goes out to you , Bob, but you need to
get your act together . I want to sell chocolate chip cookies,
not hair cookies!
Bob: I guess I just knocked myself out for the past week for nothing.
Carol: Clearly!


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