回複:BJ#2, your reading and Xiao Qian's reading are all very good


You won't know how much I miss Xiao Qian. Beijing_2008 started reading and posting her work to this forum nearly a year ago. Xiao Qian was the first one to follow her, and I was the second. During the first half year of my daily reading, Xiao Qian put checking my work at very high priority in her schedule. She listened to each and every single one of my NCE-II reading homework, over and over again, just to point out my mistakes and imperfection. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to be that persistent in doing it, if she hadn't been so devoted.

To me, you resemble Xiao Qian a lot, especially when I see you sacrifice your time to check other people's work here.

I always feel luck to have found this forum, and to become friends with you, Xiao Qian and many others here.

Thanks 小步舞曲 for her wonderful voice and extraordinary reading, and for lending this space for me to write this message.

Have a great day.



Very touching writing, thank you very much -billnet- 給 billnet 發送悄悄話 billnet 的博客首頁 (47 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 15:20:08
