This connection with the common man has led to a few other nicknames associated with the blue collar worker. He may be a "Workaday Joe", a "regular working stiff", "Joe Six-Pack", or "Joe Lunchbox". Many blue collar workers are content to work 40 hours a week for decent hourly wages. For many blue collar workers, working overtime or on holidays is their preferred version of a white collar performance bonus. Retirement for a typical blue collar worker means a nominal company or union-funded pension, not a golden parachute or perpetual stock dividends.
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• 回複:回複:詢問'Joe Lunchbox'的意思,請看內貼 -水滴在時間的流裏- ♀ (279 bytes) () 08/10/2009 postreply 20:04:42
• 回複:回複:回複:詢問'Joe Lunchbox'的意思,請看內貼 -brokerbro- ♂ (93 bytes) () 08/11/2009 postreply 10:50:20