地道英語:Greasy Spoon 廉價便利小吃店(英語聽力)

來源: 婉蕠 2009-07-24 08:39:24 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5856 bytes)
地道英語:Greasy Spoon 廉價便利小吃店(英語聽力)ZT

Greasy Spoon 廉價便利小吃店


The script of this programme 本節目台詞

A fried breakfast
A greasy spoon breakfast
Feifei: Hello everybody. This is Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Feifei.

Diarmuid: Hello I'm Diarmuid.

Feifei: 在地道英語裏你會學到英國人日常生活中常用到,而且通常在字典和課本裏找不到的單詞和短語。You’re looking very pleased and contented today, Diarmuid.

Diarmuid: I am very happy today Feifei. Why? Because I had my breakfast at my local greasy spoon this morning.

Feifei: Greasy spoon? 油膩的勺子?這是什麽意思,I don't understand. How could you have breakfast at a greasy spoon?

Diarmuid: Because greasy spoon is a slang phrase.

Feifei: Slang 俚語。 Greasy spoon 是一個俚語短語。

Diarmuid: Yes, greasy spoon is slang.

Feifei: So what does it mean?

Diarmuid: A greasy spoon is a name for café that serves cheap meals.

Feifei: 我明白了,原來 a greasy spoon is a café 就是一個廉價便利小吃店,這個小店裏的吃的要比一般飯館兒的價錢便宜很多。I have seen lots of these kinds of cafes around Britain but I didn’t know they were called greasy spoons.

Diarmuid: Yes, greasy spoons are very common in the UK. You can find them everywhere.

Feifei: But why are they called greasy spoons? 用這個名字來形容一個小吃店好像有點兒不妥吧?

Diarmuid: People probably call these cafés greasy spoons because the food they serve there is nearly always fried food.

Feifei: 油炸食品 fried food.

Diarmuid: Yes, I suppose it's a kind of joke. The fried food served in the café is so oily, or greasy, that even the spoons are greasy.


A: Where shall we go for lunch? There’s a new health-food restaurant near here.

B: I don't really want to eat salad and vegetables.

A: Ok, let’s go to the greasy spoon for a fry-up.

B: Mmm, that sounds great. I’m going to have sausage and chips.

Feifei: You know, eating at a greasy spoon doesn't sound very healthy to me.

Diarmuid: I think you're probably right there. You shouldn't eat at a greasy spoon every day.

Feifei: 每天都吃油炸食品對身體是非常不好的。

Diarmuid: Mmm, the problem is the food from a greasy spoon tastes good to me.

Feifei: I know. Why does unhealthy food always taste so good?

Diarmuid: That's a question for another day Feifei. For now it's time to go.

Feifei: If you want to learn more Authentic Real English, just visit our website.

Diarmuid: That's www.bbcchina.com.cn. Drop by often, there are new programmes every day.

Feifei: Bye.

Diarmuid: Goodbye.

*Please note that this script is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.
*在節目錄製過程中, 對話本文可能略有改動。


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