雙語文摘:Ben begins 'best job' on paradise isle(附視頻)

來源: 婉蕠 2009-07-06 10:00:38 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6859 bytes)
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Awaiting departure in Bri*****ane…

雙語文摘:Briton begins 'best job' on paradise isle (ZT)

The Briton who won a competition for the "Best Job in the World" arrived on Australia's idyllic Hamilton Island Wednesday to begin his leisurely six-month posting in the tropical paradise.

Ben Southall, 34, started by sending a video blog from Bri*****ane airport departure lounge where he filmed himself alongside his girlfriend, Breanna Watkins.

"When we get there we're going to explore our house, and it's the first chance to drive the golf buggy as well, which is one of the massive perks of the job," he said.

The outgoing charity fundraiser beat off thousands of competitors for the job in a hugely successful marketing campaign that captured the world's imagination and earned international awards for its creators.

His brief as "caretaker" is to snorkel, swim and sail around the balmy Whitsunday Islands and send daily blogs and video blogs with the aim of promoting the destination for Tourism Queensland.

His movements will be recorded in exhaustive detail on two websites, www.islandreefjob.com.au and www.bestjobben.com, as well as social networking site Twitter.

Southall earlier courted controversy when he admitted he would miss Britain's long summer days and traditional roast dinners, prompting newspapers to accuse him of being a "whingeing pom".

"So when asked about the things I'd miss about the UK it appears I have to play my cards close to my chest for fear of reprisal by the tabloid newspapers both here and in Australia!"

However, he later complained he had been placed in economy class for the long journey from Britain to Australia.

"Can you believe it....I'm in economy!! Oh well can't change the habit of a lifetime," he tweeted.

Tourism Queensland chief Anthony Hayes insisted Southall would have to work hard and said the 'best job' stunt would help keep the industry afloat in the global downturn.

"Today is the beginning," he said. "All the publicity's been great but now it's about communicating with people who really will want to come to Queensland for a holiday.

A government report this month warned Australia's tourism industry was at risk of losing thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in income after its share of global tourism dropped 14 percent between 1995 and 2008.


34歲的本 索思豪爾上任做的第一件事是在澳大利亞布裏斯班機場的候機大廳發布了一篇視頻博客。他在那裏拍了一段自己和女友布麗娜 沃肯斯的視頻。









昆士蘭州旅遊局局長安東尼 海斯堅稱,索思豪爾要努力工作,“最好工作”這個噱頭將使旅遊業在經濟衰退時期平穩發展。




perk:a perquisite(由工作所帶來的附帶好處,比如公司提供使用的汽車)

balmy:mild and refreshing; soft; soothing(氣侯等溫和的)

court:to act in such a manner as to cause, lead to, or provoke(招致失敗,危險等)

whingeing pom:a person of British origin who will consistently complain about any situation that they may face.(不停抱怨的人,怨婦。Pom是澳洲人對英國人的一種謔稱. 詞的來源可能是由於早期澳洲土著人看到英國白人在被太陽暴曬後皮膚變成的紅顏色和一種叫pomegranite的水果很像, 於是稱英國人為Poms.)

play one's cards close to one's chest: 設法不讓他人知道自己計劃的內容


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