

精是構成和維持人體生命活動的基本物質基礎,有先天之精與後天之精之分(the fundamental substance that builds up the physical structure and maintains body function; reproductive essence stored in the kidney),"世中聯"將其分別譯為essence和semen,是比較符合"精"在中醫學中的基本含義的。
先天之精innate essence
先天之精指腎髒所藏之精氣,源於父母之精,對個體的生長、發育起著至關重要的作用(the original substance responsible for construction of the body and generation of offspring, often referring to the reproductive essence),所以常譯作innate essence 或prenatal essence。
後天之精acquired essence
後天之精即水穀之精,指由飲食物所化生以維持生命活動和促進機體生長發育的基本物質(the essential substance acquired from the food after digestion and absorption, and used to maintain the vital activities and metabolism of the body),常譯作acquired essence或postnatal essence。
精氣學說essential qi theory - one of the basic theories in traditional Chinese medicine about qi, the essential part of which constitutes the body and maintain the activities of life, visceral function and metabolism
精氣是構成人體和維持生命活動的基礎物質,常見的譯法有vital essence, essence of life, essential qi, essence等。盡管有所不同,但基本上都是采用essence。事實上在現行的翻譯活動中,essence已基本上約定俗成地用以翻譯"精"和"精氣"這樣的概念。例如"精、氣、神"一般就譯作essence, qi and spirit。所以"先天之精" 就可以譯作prenatal essence或innate essence,而"後天之精"則可譯作postnatal essence或acquired essence。
腎精kidney essence
腎精與先天之精密切相關,對人體生長發育關係重大(the original essence stored in the kidney),一般譯作kidney essence。也有譯為renal essence的,語義上與kidney essence沒有什麽區別。
神是精神、意識、思維等一切生命活動的總的體現,一般譯作spirit, mind, vitality等。有時需要根據不同的意境而采用不同的譯法。如在"精、氣、神"三寶中,"神"就可譯作spirit;在"安神"中,"神"則可譯作mind,所以"安神"就可譯為tranquilizing the mind;如指人的精神狀態,也可譯作vitality。在WHO的標準中,"神"被分別譯為mind, spirit, vitality,基本再現了"神"的基本內涵,自然是可取的。"世中聯"的翻譯也大致如此。作為mind的"神",指人的思維活動(mental activities, referring to mentality, consciousness, thinking and feeling);作為spirit的"神",指人的精神活動(spiritual activities);作為vitality的"神",指人的精神情誌表現(manifestations of vital functioning state of mind or mood)。
在中醫典籍中,"精神"自然是指essence和spirit。但在一般交流中,人們習慣於將其簡單地譯作spirit 或mind。
魂ethereal soul
魄corporeal soul
"魂"與"魄"在現代漢語中是一個概念,但在古代卻是涇渭分明的兩個概念,且分別藏於肝與肺。WHO將"魂"解釋為the moral and spiritual part of the human being,將"魄"解釋為the animating part of one's mind,還是有幾分道理的。但在英語中隻有soul一個詞可以和"魂"與"魄"相對應。為了對其加以區分,人們將"魂"譯作ethereal soul,而將"魄"則譯作corporeal soul,雖有些勉強,但到底有了區別。
命門life gate
命門之火fire from the life gate
先天之火life gate fire
自從《難經》提出了"命門"這個概念以來,曆代醫家對其生理功能和解剖部位多有爭議,這給翻譯造成了很大困難。現在常見的譯法有:the gate of life, vital gate, life gate。也有人感到這些譯法在英語語言中顯得玄而又玄,甚至莫名其妙。因此主張將"命門"音譯為Mingmen,似有一定道理。但從回譯性來看,直譯無疑是最為可取的。經過不斷的交流實踐,gate of life或life gate已為越來越多的人所接受。這大概就是語言自身運動規律作用的結果吧。"命門之火"亦可簡單地譯作fire of life gate或life gate fire。另外,中醫似乎很少說"先天之火"。
君火sovereign fire
相火ministerial fire
"君火"也常譯作monarch fire。"相火"有時也譯作prime-minister fire,因為"相"乃"臣之首",也就是我們今天所說的"首相"。
先天之氣innate qi
後天之氣acquired qi
正氣healthy qi
真氣genuine qi
原氣;元氣source qi
宗氣ancestral qi
衛氣defense qi
營氣nutrient qi
"氣"的翻譯,可謂曆經風潮。從vital energy到qi,生動地反映了中醫基本概念英譯的發展曆程。關於這個問題,筆者在"淺議李約瑟的中醫翻譯思想"一文[3]中作了必要的介紹。
"先天之氣"(qi acquired after birth,formed from the qi that exists from birth and stored in the kidney)也常譯作prenatal qi。"後天之氣"(qi transformed from the food in combination with the fresh air inhaled in the lung)也常譯作postnatal qi。
"正氣"有兩層含義,一與"真氣"同,指機體生命功能和抗病能力(the human body and the abilities to maintain health, including the abilities of self-regulation, adaptation to the environment, resistance against pathogens and self-recovery from illness, the same as normal/genuine qi),早期譯作healthy energy,現一般譯作healthy qi;二指四季正常氣候,即normal climate。
為了在形式上與"正氣"有所區分,"真氣"早期譯作true energy,現一般譯作genuine qi,也有的譯作true qi。
"原氣"和"元氣"意思相同,指機體生命活動的源泉,包括元陰和元陽之氣,由先天之精所化生,靠後天營養而不斷滋生(the combination of the innate qi and the acquired qi, serving as the most fundamental qi of the human body),常譯作original qi 或primordial qi。
"宗氣"源於水穀之氣和吸入的空氣,運行於胸中(the combination of the essential qi derived from food with the air inhaled, stored in the chest, and serving as the dynamic force of blood circulation, respiration, voice, and bodily movements),所以常譯作pectoral qi,"世中聯"亦采用此譯法。WHO譯作ancestral qi,自然是從"宗"的原始本義釋譯。其實在漢語中,"宗"除了表示ancestor之意外,還表示main或authentic。
"衛氣"是人體陽氣之一種,由飲食物消化吸收後而生成,具有保護肌膚、抗禦外邪、調節汗液分泌的作用(the qi that moves outside the vessels, protecting the body surface and warding off external pathogens),所以常譯作defensive qi或defense qi。
"營氣"指運行於脈中的精華物質,具有生化血液和營養全身的功能(the qi that moves within the vessels and nourishes all the organs and tissues),常譯作nutrient qi("世中聯"即采用此譯法)或nutritive qi。
津氣fluid qi
"津氣"或指"津"本身(just referring to fluid)或指由津所推動運行的氣(the qi carried by fluid)。
髒氣visceral qi
腑氣bowel qi
心氣heart qi
肝氣liver qi
脾氣spleen qi
肺氣lung qi
腎氣kidney qi
膽氣gallbladder qi
胃氣stomach qi
同樣的,各個髒器之氣,也都表示有關髒器的生理功能,一般都加以直譯(如上所示)。具體說來"心氣"、"肝氣"、"脾氣"、"肺氣"、"腎氣"、"膽氣"、"胃氣"指的是the physical substrata and dynamic force of the functional activities of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, gallbladder and stomach。
腎間動氣stirring qi of the kidney region
"腎間動氣"見於《難經》第八難,指兩腎之間所藏的真氣,是命門之火的體現(that part of genuine qi stored between the kidneys, as the motive force necessary for all the activities of the body),也常譯作motive force of the kidney region。
中氣middle qi
"中氣"在中醫學中有4層含義:(1)泛指中焦脾胃之氣和脾胃等髒腑對飲食的消化運輸和升清降濁等生理功能(即WHO定義所謂之the physical substrata and dynamic force of the functional activities of the spleen, stomach and small intestine, including digestion, absorption, transportation, upbearing of the clear and downbearing of the turbid);(2)指脾氣;(3)指運氣學說中的中見之氣;(4)病證名,即氣中,為類中風之一。"中氣"以前曾譯作middle-warmer energy,也有人譯作gastrosplenic qi,後來逐步被更為直觀和通俗的middle qi所取代。
經氣;經絡之氣meridian qi
陰氣yin qi
陽氣yang qi
"陰氣"與"陽氣"過去譯作yin-energy和yang-energy,這主要是因為當時將"氣"譯作vital energy。還有的譯作yin principle和yang principle。隨著"氣"的音譯形式"qi"的普及,"陰氣"現在一般譯作yin qi,"陽氣"譯作yang qi。
氣化qi transformation
所謂"氣化",有兩層含義:一是指氣的產生、循行及其功能(the production, circulation and function of qi);二是指某些器官的生理功能,如三焦對體液的調節,膀胱的排尿功能等(the function of certain organs, such as the regulation of body fluid by triple energizer and discharge of urine by the bladder)。"氣化"早期曾譯作activity of vital energy,以後又譯作transformative function of qi,並逐步發展為transformation of qi或qi transformation。
氣機qi movement
氣的升降出入等功能活動稱為"氣機"(movement of qi, including ascending, descending, exiting and entering as its basic forms)。"氣機"曾譯為functional activities of qi,還有的譯作qi mechanism,qi movement是近年來逐步開始采用的譯法,似乎比較符合中醫的含義。
升降出入upward, downward, inward and outward movement
"升降出入"是氣的基本運動形式(the basic forms of qi movement),通常譯為ascending, descending, exiting and entering,此譯法也為"世中聯"標準所采用。WHO所采用的譯法不常見,但卻很新穎,也有一定道理,不失為一新的嚐試。
營血nutrient and blood
"營血"其實就是血,因其有營養人體的功能,並且在人體不停地營運,所以稱為"營血",一般直接譯為blood即可。譯作nutrient and blood 似乎成了兩個概念,還不如譯作nutrient blood。如果真的譯作nutrient blood,似乎邏輯上又有問題,正常情況下哪有不是nutrient的blood呢?
津液fluid and humor
將"液"譯作humor可謂創造。一直以來,津液的翻譯都有點令人困惑。就其內涵而言,譯作body fluid或fluid均為可取。隻是中醫又將"津"和"液"加以區分,清者為"津",厚者為"液"。為了在譯文中對其加以區分,人們便將"津"譯作thin fluid,將"液"譯作thick fluid。其實這樣的區分也是符合中醫之意的。將"液"譯作humor,就像將"無形之痰"譯作phlegm一樣,有點發"思古之幽情",在古希臘的生理學中找靈感。
津血同源homogeny of fluid and blood
精血同源homogeny of essence and blood
"津血同源"與"精血同源"常譯作Body fluid and blood are derived from/share the same source和The essence and blood are derived from/share the same source。在"世中聯"的標準中,這兩個概念則分別被譯作fluid and blood from same source, essence and blood from the same source,意思也是清楚的,隻是缺乏定冠詞的譯語顯得有點遊離。WHO 將"同源"譯作homogeny(同型生殖,統一生殖)似乎太過modern,且不太確切。
營衛nutrient and defense
"營衛"當指營氣和衛氣(a collective term for nutrient qi and defense qi),所以nutrient and defense 之後似應再綴以qi,這樣才顯得比較完整。
氣血水qi, blood and water
水穀water and food
"水穀"是飲食的總稱(a term referring to food and drink),譯作water and food無疑是準確的。也有的詞典將其譯作water and grain,有點不太恰當。"水穀"之"穀"指的不是"倉廩"之中貯藏的穀物,而是加工成成品的飲食,所以應譯作food。



非常感謝啦。 -E-Z- 給 E-Z 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2009 postreply 16:07:44

Thx! -走馬讀人- 給 走馬讀人 發送悄悄話 走馬讀人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2009 postreply 18:40:59
