Story of Speak English Like an American (16)

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Lesson 16  Bob Brings The Cookies To The Village Market

Bob brings Carol the cookies.
He tells Carol that baking the cookies was easy because he had lots of help.

Carol: Bob, how did the baking go?

Bob: Slow at first, but we're getting the hang of it.

Carol: Once you learn the ropes, it becomes second nature.

Bob: To tell you the truth, I thought that baking 2000 cookies would be a pain in the neck. But we managed to round up some helpers, and it was a piece of cake.

Carol: Well, thanks for coming in person with cookies.

Bob: No problem. When will you need more?

Carol: It depends on how many we sell today.

Bob: How many do you think you'll sell?

Carol: Maybe 500, maybe 2000. Your guess is as good as mine. In any case, I'll keep you poested.

Bob: Okay. Just give me a ring as soon as you know.


at first
- in the beginning

(to) get the hang of (something) - to learn how to do something; to acquire an effective technique

(to) give (someone) a ring - to telephone someone

in any case - whatever the fact is; certainly

in person - personally; in one's phsyical presence

(to) keep posted - to provide up-to-date information

(to) learn the ropes - to learn the basics

pain in the neck - an annoyance

piece of cake - very easy

(to) round up - to gather people together

second nature - a behavior that has been practiced for so long, it seems to have been there always

to tell you the truth - to speak openly; to admit

your guess is as good as mine - I don't know; I don't know any more than you do

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  • Story of Speak English Like an American (14)
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