流行美語:on the fritz ; to hog something

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今天李華到Larry的宿舍裏去串門兒,李華會學到兩個常用語:on the fritz和to hog。

LH: Hey, Larry, 我昨天晚上給你打電話,在你手機上留了言,你怎麽沒給我回電話啊?

LL: I didn't get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don't know what's wrong with it.

LH: 你沒收到我的留言?還說你的手機怎麽啦?On the fritz - 那是什麽意思啊?

LL: I said my cell phone is on the fritz. If something is on the fritz, that means something is wrong with it and it is not working properly.

LH: 噢,要是說什麽東西on the fritz, 意思就是"出了毛病,不能正常工作了"。哎呀,我的手機有時候也會on the fritz. Larry, 除了電話以外,還有什麽東西也可以說是on the fritz呢?

LL: Well, usually it is machines that are on the fritz. For instance, sometimes my computer does not respond to my commands, so it's on the fritz.

LH: 原來on the fritz通常是用在機器設備上,比方說像你說的電腦。就是啊,有的時候電腦會出故障,不聽指令,那就是on the fritz了。

LL: Now Li Hua, can you give me an example?

LH: 有了。昨天我在學校的食品零售機買coke,我明明塞進去一塊美元,可是零售機一點反應都沒有。It must have been on the fritz.

LL: Oh, some of the vending machines are often on the fritz.

LH: 哎,Larry, 除了說機器,我能不能說一個人on the fritz呢?

LL: Not really. However, the exception is that you can say that your stomach is on the fritz if it is uncomfortable.

LH: 噢,我們不能直接說一個人on the fritz, 但是,要是我的胃感到難受,我就可以說:My stomach is on the fritz.

LL: All right, Li Hua, forget about things that are on the fritz. You want to watch this DVD?

LH: Sure! 但願你的DVD player is not on the fritz.

LL: Oh, come on, Li Hua!


LL: Hey, Li Hua, stop hogging all the popcorn! I want some too.

LH: 得了得了,想吃爆米花就說話呀,給你!你說我什麽?Hogging all the popcorn? 好像不是什麽好意思,你可得給我解釋清楚!

LL: Well, to hog something is to keep it for yourself and not share it with others. Just now you were eating all of the popcorn without sharing it with me. Therefore, I said you were hogging the popcorn.

LH: To hog something就是霸占著某樣東西,不給別人。嘿,Larry, 你怎麽能說我霸著爆米花不給你呢?我又不知道你也想吃,再說,我現在不是分給你了嗎?

LL: Okay, I suppose you aren't hogging it anymore.

LH: 對了,Larry, 除了說食物以外,這種說法還可以用在別的地方嗎?

LL: Well, we are now watching a DVD, if I don't let you use the remote control, then I'm hogging the remote.

LH: 噢,要是你一個人拿著遙控器,不讓我用,那你就是hogging the remote. 那可比hogging the popcorn更氣人了!

LL: Okay, now it's your turn to give me an example.

LH: 讓我也舉個例子啊?想起來了。我那個同屋啊,她有的時候用洗手間用好長時間,進去了就不出來,我真應該告訴她 - stop hogging the bathroom.

LL: That's a very good example. Hey, Li Hua, look at me - if I lie down on the couch and don't give you any room to sit down, then I am hogging the couch.

LH: 哎喲,Larry, 你幹什麽呀?你幹嘛一個人把整個沙發都占了,一點兒地方都不給我留,你想讓我坐地板啊?Stop hogging the couch, Larry!

LL: Calm down, Li Hua, I was just giving you an example.

今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語。一個是on the fritz, 意思是"出了故障"。另外一個是to hog something, 意思是"把某樣東西據為己有,不給別人"。


Leaned. Thanks for sharing. -Mosical- 給 Mosical 發送悄悄話 Mosical 的博客首頁 (142 bytes) () 06/06/2009 postreply 21:11:49

回複:Leaned. Thanks for sharing. -天澤園- 給 天澤園 發送悄悄話 天澤園 的博客首頁 (280 bytes) () 06/06/2009 postreply 21:46:25
