櫻花滿目飄香雪 - 複一語君櫻花箋隨筆

來源: 宋德利利 2009-05-15 19:32:20 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4539 bytes)





Dear Lake - shore,

First of all, I’d like to thank you for your enthusiastic letter. And I must say that your cherry poem is wonderful as I said yesterday that “Good poem, good song, I enjoy them!” As for my short poem, I’s just so so, yet your translation is so excellent that it’ much better than my original one. Especially, your version bears much more tender feelings which touched me deeply.

I love the vivid style of your letter. You always put the lovely birds first which I love too. Only it’s too bad that the bird has to keep single this time. But nev er mind, I’m firmly convinced that it will get used to the lonely circumstances very soon. Don’t worry about it.

And you usually tell me something about the big lake wh e r e you live. I can just imagine how beautiful it is now in later spring, and to say it exactly, spring has already made way for early summer when the natural scenery is also beautiful. The only problem is that the present scenery bears a different kind of charm.

As you know that I’m fond of flowers, every kind, big or small, tree-flowers or grass-flower, cultivated or wild, Chinese ones or foreign ones. Cher ry is certainly my favorite flower, too. Maybe one day I’ll write a poem for it also. And one more thing, maybe one day I’ll write a poem about the big lake jus t according to my imagination. Then I’ll let you have them.

Best wis hes

Yours ever Del i Song


--- On Fri, 5/15/09, John Z. Lei wrote:

From: John Z. Lei
Subject: 【櫻花】-筆談 01
To: "Deli Song"
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 9:55 AM

【漫談閑筆】0904 問君求韻,
-北美觀櫻 春暮偶感, "思“ 英譯
【櫻花】-筆談 01

於 湖邊, 2009年4月15日晨
Deli 君,

May this letter opened at your desk finding you re well and not as busy as before. As you may imagine the lakes turned colorful as if painted by earlier spring actually in earlier March. I need you to look at a poem i wrote for the "櫻花“ Sakura Cherry.

I have to let you know what I saw one late afternoon D love little bird,- A many times "subject" opens our letter writing, she came back and land on my balcony once. But this time, very sadly she is alone. Her partner and children, another two naughty ones did not come, maybe something terrible happened. I was saddened too.

Too bad I could hardly read more of 中國文學城 often, until recently I read a few spring poems. One thing always amazes me is that the "櫻花”, -Sakura cherry blossom is a scenic sight that people enjoy here in Northern America . I remeber, the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh once painted the cherry flowers too, "The Blue cherry" let me put it this way, when he lived a very poor life in Euope.

I would like to share with you two of my recent reads as followings:
七絕:《櫻花》百媚千嬌入鬢煙,嫣然巧笑問瑤天。梁園可是留香處?自古繁華一夢間。來源: 萬家述評 於 09-05-02 08:46:53
Another one:春殘《七絕》漫天飛絮迷人眼,流水落花最惹愁:緣去緣來誰作主;哪顆春杏掛枝頭?發表於 2009-5-13 06:49
So I wrote this: I am asking you please to give your comment to make it better:

”北櫻滿開妍一岸,東卉此水緣何在,五月絮醉飄粉泥, 愚童嗬捧客湖船". 【觀櫻湖邊 暮春偶感】

Many poets writes about spring and followers includes Sakura. Maybe there are more peoms from Japanese. But here a word "滿開”is actually a Japense verb.

I liked your spring poem very much, as it inspired me always: hope you like the translated free verse:






宋德利 2005年5月14 日

Spring comes year after year,

My heart stays as a day ticks away,my dear,

I whispered softly as breeze in spring morning...air freshened n' clear
"Let southern winds brings me close to you dear... n' nearer

* n' = and 弱讀,

一語 試譯
9:02 AM 5/15/2009


為什麽英文打字那麽多字都拆開了? -宋德利利- 給 宋德利利 發送悄悄話 宋德利利 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 19:49:17

沒關係是上貼時電腦搞的!:”櫻花滿目飄香雪“ - -一語湖邊_lakeshore- 給 一語湖邊_lakeshore 發送悄悄話 一語湖邊_lakeshore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 20:56:15

這樣筆談很有益謝謝 - 複一語君櫻花箋隨筆 -一語湖邊_lakeshore- 給 一語湖邊_lakeshore 發送悄悄話 一語湖邊_lakeshore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 20:59:52



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