英文歌曲:A Mother's Day

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A Mother's Day
Artist: Jim Brickman

Mom and Dad were reading in the den
Mom said, 'I'm gonna go to bed, it's late.'
She went to the kitchen to make three
School lunches another night in a mother's day.
Put the cereal bowls out for breakfast,
Set the coffee maker for 6:00am;
Sewed a loose button on brother's shirt for him;

Checked sister's math homework, sent a note to the teacher,
Added eggs to the grocery list;
Started a load of wash, made sure the doors were locked,
Put water in the puppy's dish;
Wrote a check to the children's piano teacher,
Turn the dishwasher on;
And Dad called out, 'Honey what's takin' you so long?'

Have I ever thanked you for everything you've done?
Now all that I can say is, 'I love you Mom.'

Hung some art on the refrigerator door and
Headed up the stairs;
Kissed all the children and helped Sister comb her
Wavy golden hair.
Washed her make-up off and turned on the bath;
Lay down in the moon soft light
And kissed dad goodnight.

Have I ever thanked you for everything you've done?
Now all that I can say is, 'I love you Mom.'

Thank you for nursing me through all those colds and fevers;
Thank you for believin' in me when they were no other believers.

And it's never too late to say, 'I love you Mom.'



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