你認識這些最新英文單詞嗎?Pwn,Noob 和 Leet

本帖於 2009-05-12 07:09:50 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯


Dear Mom, we all U r $0 1337!
You’re dah bomb!
You are as sweet as melted rainbows and gold!
Other m0m’$ r like n00b$ (0mpar3d 2 u!
You’d beat any other mom any day!
U r as nice as the moon’s reflection and butterfly’s wings!
You’er 1337n3$$ make$ u pwn at b3in9 a m0m!
U r $0 g00d, we all *and best of all, we all… LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)*
*I hope u enjoyed this card!*
From your best son! :-}

1337 = Leet = Elite,優秀,出類拔萃
Dah bomb = Cool, fun, the best,太棒了
Noob = newbie = 玩電子(網上)遊戲的新手
Pwn = 成功者,勝利者(玩電子(網上)遊戲的)
1337n3$$ = Leetness = Leet的名詞
$0 = So

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