走遍美國 (19-1) Family Album U.S.A.,Ⅶ. I Do 我願意(嫁給你)(Act 1)

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Ⅶ. I Do 我願意(嫁給你)(Act 1)


It looks wrong. 看起來不對勁。
Hmmm. It is wrong. 嗯嗯。是不對勁。
Are they always that difficult to make? 領結這樣難 嗎
The truth is ... yes. 老實說……是很難難
I'll try again. 我再試一次。
At this rate, 照這種速度
the wedding will take place tomorrow. 婚禮隻有明天舉行行了
Not to worry. 別擔心。
OK. Here we go. 好吧。我們重來。
I'm worried, Philip. 我很擔心 Philipp。
What if we can't tie the tie? 如果我們 不好領領結怎麽
If we can't tie the tie, 假如我們 不好領領
then there can't be a wedding. 婚禮就不能舉行了了
You'd better not make Harry 你最好別讓Harry
any more nervous than he is. 更加緊張了。
Don't worry. 別擔心
We'll figure a way. 我們會想法子的。
How're you doing, fellas? 你們怎麽樣了 各各
Not so good, Grandpa. 情 不太好 爺爺爺
We can't get this bow tie tied. 我們 不好領結。
Nobody knows how to do it. 沒有人會 。
Do you? 你會嗎
No. I never could, either. 不會 我也一直都都不會
Well, you have your own tuxedo. 噢 你有自己的 嘌 尾服
How do you tie your bow tie? 你怎麽 領結的
Yeah, Grandpa, 對呀 爺爺。
I've seen you in it. 我曾見過你那身打打扮
You look great. 你看起來很神氣。
How do you tie it? 你怎麽 的
I don't. 我沒 。
You don't? 你沒
What do you mean? 你是什麽意思呀
I never could tie one of those ... 我從來就不會打那那一類的…
things ... bow ties. 玩意兒……領結。
I have always worn a clip-on bow tie. 我都是用夾上去的的領結
A clip-on? 用夾上去的
Of course. 對啊。
Now I remember. 現在我想起來了。
Yes, it's so easy. 沒錯 它真簡便。
All you do is 你所要做的就是
clip it around under your collar. 將它夾在領子下方方
We all need one of those. 我們都需要一個這這樣的領結
The tuxedo rental store. 禮服出租店。
Do you think they're open? 你們說現在還開門門
Should be. 應該是開的。
Sunday's their big day. 星期天是他們大生生意的日子
I'll call and find out. 我打電話問看看。
Well, if they're not, 噢 假如店不開的的
I'll lend you mine, Harry. 我把我的借給你 Harry。
You're the only one 你是我們當中唯一
who really needs to be wearing a tuxedo, 真正需要穿燕尾服服的
anyway. 不管怎麽說。
Thanks, Grandpa. 謝謝你 爺爺。
I'm the father of the bride. 我是新娘的父親。
I'm supposed to be worried about my daughter, 我原該為我的女兒兒擔心才是
and here I am with 如今我卻和
the man that's marrying my daughter-- 將要娶我女兒的人人在一
worrying about him. 為他操心。
worrying about him. 為他操心。
Poor Harry. 可憐的Harry。
I know the feeling. 我知道這種感覺。
Wedding-day Jitters. 這叫婚禮緊張症。
Are they open? 店開著嗎
We're in luck. 我們運氣好。
They're open. 店開著。
And they have lots of clip-on bow ties. 而且他們有許多夾夾上去的領結
I'll bicycle down to the village and get them. 我騎腳踏車去鎮上上拿
You'd better hurry, Robbie. 你最好快點 Robbbie。
There's lots of time. 時間多得很。
A little over two hours. 兩個鍾頭多一點。
In two hours and fifteen minutes 再過兩小時十五分分
I'll be married to Susan. 我就要和Susan結換 了。
And be a true member of the Stewart family. 也真正成了Stewarrt家庭中的一員。
Oh, you're a lucky guy, Harry. 噢 你是一個幸運運的 夥 Harry
Susan is one of the best women you'll ever find. Susan是你能找到鬃 好的女人之一。
She's just like her grandma. 她就像她的祖母一一樣
Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger, 現在 你一旦將戒戒指戴上Susan的手
you are one of us, Harry. 你就是我們家中的的一員了 Harry
And don't ever forget it. 永遠別忘記這一點點
Ring? Ring? 戒指 戒指
Oh my! 噢 我的天
Oh my! 噢 我的天
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪兒了
I put them in the pocket of my sports jacket. 我把它們放在我運運動夾克的口袋
No, 不對
I think you put them 我想你是放在
in your tuxedo jacket pocket. 禮服上衣口袋 。
Remember? 記得嗎
Right. 對。
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪兒了
Didn't you give them to Richard? 你不是把它們交給給Richard了
He's your best man. 他是男儐相呀。
I remember. 我記起來了。
You gave them to Richard. 你交給了Richard
Oh, yeah. 噢 對了。
I remember now. 我現在想起來了。
You handed them to me. 你將它們給了我。
What did I do with them? 我把它們放在哪兒兒
I hope they aren't lost. 但願沒丟才好。
Oh, don't worry, Harry. 別擔心 Harry。
They have to be here. 它們肯定就在這兒兒
I remember. 我想起來了。
I gave them to Robbie to hold 我把它們交給Robbbie拿
so I wouldn't lose them. 免得我弄丟了。
Where's Robbie? Robbie在哪兒
Relax, Harry. 不要緊張 Harry
Robbie went to pick up Robbie去拿
the clip-on bow ties. 夾上去的領結。
Oh, I forgot. 噢 我忘了。
What time is it? 現在是什麽時間了
It's still a little over two hours, Harry. 仍然還有兩個多小小時 Harry
Just relax. 不用緊張。
What about the rings? 戒指怎麽辦
I'm sure Robbie has them. 我確定在Robbie那那
No, no, Robbie doesn't have them. 不 不 Robbie沒沒有拿
He gave them to me to hold on to them 他給我戒指 要我我自己保
because he didn't want the responsibility of holding them. 因為他不想承擔保保管它們的責任
I put them in my tuxedo-- 我將它們放在我禮禮服的口
but in the lapel pocket. 但是在胸前的口袋袋
That's a relief. 現在我放心了。
I was really worried. 剛才我真的很擔心心
I'll hold on to them for you. 我為你保管吧。
The best man always keeps the rings. 男儐相總是保管戒戒指的
You're right. 你說的對。
You're right. 你說的對。
You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later. 你來保管 免得等等一下又出問題了
You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later. 你來保管 免得等等一下又出問題了
Well, 好了
now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas. 現在我們最好去穿穿好衣服 各位
All right! 好的
Robbie will bring the ties back. Robbie會拿領結回回來
Hey, leaving me? 嗨 丟下我啦
You'll be fine. 你不會有事的。
Try to take it easy. 放輕 點。
It'll all be over in two hours. 再兩個小時就結束束了
Over? 結束
The wedding ceremony will be over. 婚禮會結束。
You'll be hu*****and and wife. 你們就成為夫妻了了
I guess you're right. 說的也對。
Two hours from now. 從現在起還有兩個個小時
Two hours from now. 從現在起兩小時。

Hm, two hours from now,
two more hours.
Well, that's a long time to wait.
Grandpa's right,
I do have the wedding-day jitters.
But why am I so nervous?
I couldn't find the rings,
but they were in my pocket,
and now Richard's got them.
He's my best man.
He'll take care of them.
Right, right.
I don't need to worry about that.
None of us knew how to tie
my bow tie.
But that problem's taken care of now, too,
since Robbie went into the village
to pick up some clip-on bow ties.
So why the jitters?
Who am I kidding?
I'm getting married today!
Huh ... married.
Hmm ... married.
In just two hours,
I'll be married
to the most wonderful woman in the world,
the woman I love.
Huh, I fell in love with Susan
on our very first date!
"You know something?"
"I think we're going to be good friends.
Good night, Susan."
"Good night, Harry. Have a safe trip home!"
"Are you all right?"
I was nervous even then.
Susan is beautiful,
and intelligent, and kind.
And we have fun together.
She'd be a wonderful mother to Michelle.
Considering she'll be my wife--
Mrs. Harry Bennett--
I couldn't be any happier.
Less nervous maybe,
but I couldn't be any happier.


這回好了,都能聽了.非常感謝!你真好! -analyser- 給 analyser 發送悄悄話 analyser 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/19/2009 postreply 21:06:40

回複:走遍美國 (19-1) Family Album U.S.A.,Ⅶ. I Do 我願意(嫁給你)(Act 1) -wenzidema- 給 wenzidema 發送悄悄話 (91 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 14:22:59
