走遍美國 (19-3) Family Album U.S.A.,Ⅶ. I Do 我願意(嫁給你)(Act 3)

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Ⅶ. I Do 我願意(嫁給你)(Act 3)


Philip ... Ellen. Philip ... Ellenn。
Ah, Judge. 噢 法官。
How are you? 你好嗎
How are you? 好嗎
Hello. 哈 。
I think it's time for the wedding to begin. 我想是婚禮可以開開始的時候了
All right, ladies and gentlemen. 好啦 女士們 先先生們
Please take your places. 請大家就座。
The wedding ceremony is about to begin. 婚禮就要開始了。
OK, Jane. Start the music. 好 Jane。音樂開開始
Dearly beloved, 敬愛的人們
we are gathered here today 我們今天聚集在這
to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. 見證這位男士和這這位女士的神聖 槊恕
Do either of you have any reason 兩位之中可有哪位位因為某項原
Is there anyone present who can show 在座可有人能提出
any just cause why these two people 任何正當理由說明明這兩
should not be legally joined in marriage? 不該合法結婚的
Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart 那麽 Harry Bennnett 你願意接受Susan Stewart
to be your lawful, wedded wife? 做你合法的妻子嗎
I do. 我願意。
And you, Susan Stewart, 那麽 Susan Sttewart
do you take Harry Bennett 願意接受Harry bennett
to be your lawful, wedded hu*****and? 為 合法的丈夫嗎
I do. 我願意。
The rings, please. 請戴戒指。
I have them, Harry. 在我這 Harry
By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, 憑著紐約州法律賦賦予我的權
I now pronounce you hu*****and and wife. 我現在宣 你們成成為夫妻
You may kiss the bride now, Harry. 你可以吻新娘了 Harry。

What a wonderful wedding, Philip.
Just perfect.
It was Ellen.
It was Ellen.
And you were the beautiful mother of the bride.
Look at you here with Robbie
as he escorted you onto the patio.
Robbie looked so grown up,
and handsome like his father.
And look at Michelle.
What a sweet flower girl!
She was so excited.
She's never been to a wedding before.
And here's Susan's bride's maid, Marilyn.
Marilyn was Susan's matron of honor, Philip.
Look at Richard and Harry.
They seem like brothers, don't they?
And Dad with our new grandson Max.
I love this picture.
And I love this one--
as you escorted Susan.
That's our little girl, Ellen.
Oh Philip, I remember
when she was just a baby.
Our little girl grew up so fast.
Now she's a mature married woman,
with her own family.
I feel like I've lost my daughter.
Ellen, you haven't lost a daughter.
We've gained a son.
A talented, intelligent, likeable son,
who happens to love our daughter very much.
We also have
a lovely new granddaughter, Michelle.
What a wonderful family.
I love you, Philip.
I love you too, Ellen.
