英語電影:【Little Women 小婦人】

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Movie:                    Little Women 
Director:                 Gillian Armstrong
Producer:                Denise De Novi
Writers :                  Louisa May Alcott (novel)
                                Robin Swicord (screenplay)
Starring:                  Winona Ryder Gabriel Byrne Claire Danes Christian Bale
                                Trini Alvarado Kirsten Dunst Samantha Mathis Eric Stoltz  
                                John Neville Mary Wickes Susan Sarandon
Music :                   Thomas Newman
Cinematography:    Geoffrey Simpson
Language:               English
Release Date:         21 December 1994 (USA) 

Little Women 
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The film focuses on the March sisters - prim Meg, tempestuous Jo, ailing Beth, and selfish Amy - growing up in Concord, Massachusetts during and after the American Civil War. With their father away fighting in the war, the girls struggle with major and minor problems under the guidance of their strong-willed mother, affectionately called Marmee. As a means of escaping some of their problems, the sisters revel in performing in romantic plays written by Jo in their attic theater.

Winona Ryder as Jo, Trini Alvarado as Meg, Kirsten Dunst as Amy, Susan Sarandon as Marmee, and Claire Danes as BethLiving next door to the family is wealthy Mr. Laurence, whose grandson Theodore (nicknamed Laurie) moves in with him and becomes a close friend of the March family. Mr. Laurence becomes a mentor for Beth, whose exquisite piano-playing reminds him of his deceased daughter, and Meg falls in love with Laurie's tutor John Brooke.

While Marmee is away tending to her wounded hu*****and, Beth contracts scarlet fever from a neighbor's infant. Awaiting her return, Meg and Jo send Amy away to live with their Aunt March. Prior to Beth's illness, Jo had been Aunt March's companion for several years, and while she was unhappy with her position she tolerated it in the hope her aunt one day would take her to Europe. Amy thrives as Aunt March's new companion.

Mr. March returns home just prior to Christmas. Three years pass; Meg and John Brooke are married, and Beth's health is deteriorating steadily. Laurie graduates from college and proposes Jo marry and go to London with him, but realizing she thinks of him more as a big brother than a romantic prospect, she refuses his offer. Jo later deals with the added disappointment that Aunt March has decided to take Amy, who is now seventeen, with her to Europe instead of her. Crushed, Jo departs for New York City to pursue her dream of writing and experiencing life. There she meets Friedrich Bhaer, a German professor who challenges and stimulates her intellectually, introduces her to opera and philosophy, and encourages her write better stories than the lurid Victorian melodramas she has penned so far.

In Europe, Amy reunites with her old childhood friend Laurie. Finding he has become dissolute and irresponsible, she censures him and refuses to have anything more to do with him until he mends his ways. Laurie decides to go to London to work for his grandfather and make himself worthy of Amy.

Winona Ryder as Jo and Christian Bale as LaurieJo is summoned home to see Beth, who finally succumbs to the lingering effects of the scarlet fever that have plagued her for the past four years. Grieving for her sister, Jo retreats to the comfort of the attic and begins to write her life story. Upon its completion, she sends it to Professor Bhaer. Meanwhile, Meg gives birth to twins John and Daisy.

A letter from Amy informs the family Aunt March is too ill to travel, so Amy must remain in Europe with her. In London, Laurie receives a letter from Jo in which she informs him of Beth's death and mentions Amy is in Vevey, unable to come home. Laurie immediately travels to be at Amy's side. The two eventually return to the March home as hu*****and and wife.

Aunt March dies and she leaves Jo her home, which the young woman decides to convert to a school. Professor Bhaer arrives with her manuscript and announces he is departing for the West, where he has found a position as a teacher. When he discovers it was Amy and not Jo who wed Laurie, he proposes marriage and Jo accepts.

Memorable quotes for Little Women

[Meg has twisted her ankle and Laurie took her home in his carriage]
Amy: He put snow on your ankle? With his own hands?
Marmee: I won't have my girls being silly about boys. To bed! Jo dear.
Amy: Everything lovely happens to Meg.
Meg: [Sarcastically] Oh yes, indeed.

Amy: We bear our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.


Laurie: Fellow artists, may I present myself as an actor, a musician, and a loyal and very humble servant of the club.
Jo March: We'll be the judge of that.
Laurie: In token of my gratitude and as a means of promoting communication between adjoining nations, shouting from windows being forbidden, I shall provide a post office in our hedge, to further incourage the bearing of our souls and the telling of our most appalling secrets. I do pledge never to reveal what I recieve in confindence here.
Meg: Well, then. Do take your place Rodrigo.
Jo March: Sir Rodrigo.

Jo March: He's dull as powder, Meg. Can't you at least marry someone amusing?

Beth: I feel stronger with you close by.

Amy: We'll all grow up one day, Meg. We might as well know what we want.

Jo: If only I could be like father and crave violence and go to war and stand up to the lions of injustice.

Younger Amy March: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.

Jo: If I weren't going to be a writer I'd go to New York and pursue the stage. Are you shocked?
Laurie: Very.

Jo: Now we are all family, as we always should have been.

Marmee: I am going to write this man a letter.
Jo: A letter. That'll show him.

Jo: I go around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals!

Jo: What's going to happen?
Friedrich: The inevitable.

Jo: Will we never all be together again?

Amy: I don't wanna die. I've never even been kissed. I've waited my whole to be kissed, and what if I miss it?
Laurie: I tell you what. I promise to kiss you before you die.

Friedrich: But I have nothing to give you. My hands are empty.
[entwines her hands with his]
Jo: Not empty now.

Laurie: I have loved you since the moment I clapped eyes on you. What could be more reasonable than to marry you?
Jo March: We'd kill each other.
Laurie: Nonsense!
Jo March: Neither of us can keep our temper-...
Laurie: I can, unless provoked.
Jo March: We're both stupidly stubborn, especially you. We'd only quarrel!
Laurie: I wouldn't!
Jo March: You can't even propose without quarreling.

Marmee March: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You're ready to go out and - and find a good use for your talent. Tho' I don't know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it.

Beth: I'm so full of happiness, that if Father was only here, I couldn't hold one drop more.

Amy: You don't need scores of suitors. You need only one... if he's the right one.

Laurie: I'm quite taken by that one.
Jo: That's Meg!
Laurie: Meg.
Jo: That's my sister. She's completely bald in front.

Friedrich Bhaer: You must write from the depths of your soul!

John Brooke: Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed.

Laurie: Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.

Beth: I know I shall be homesick for you even in Heaven.

Josephine 'Jo' March: Doesn't he have a noble brow? If I were a boy I'd want to look just like that.

Jo March: I find it poor logic to say that women should vote because they are good. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are male, and women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country.
Mr. Mayer: You should have been a lawyer, Miss March.
Jo March: I should have been a great many things, Mr. Mayer.

Friedrich: Your heart understood mine. In the depth of the fragrant night, I listened with ravished soul to your beloved voice. Your heart understood mine.

Jo: Late At night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation.

Younger Amy March: Butter! Oh isn't butter divinity? Oh god thank you for this breakfast.

Younger Amy March: Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves.

Amy: Jo, how could you, your one beauty!

Beth: If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you... making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as anything much. Not a great writer like you.
Jo: Beth, I'm not a great writer.
Beth: But you will be. Oh, Jo, I've missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you.

Movie: Little Women (1994)
Director: Gillian Armstrong
Writers : Louisa May Alcott (novel)
Robin Swicord (screenplay)
Starring: Claire Danes Christian Bale Eric Stoltz
John Neville Mary Wickes Susan Sarandon
Release Date: 21 December 1994 (USA)

Memorable quotes for Little Women (1994)

[Meg has twisted her ankle and Laurie took her home in his carriage]
Amy: He put snow on your ankle? With his own hands?
Marmee: I won't have my girls being silly about boys. To bed! Jo dear.
Amy: Everything lovely happens to Meg.
Meg: [Sarcastically] Oh yes, indeed.

Amy: We bear our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.


Laurie: Fellow artists, may I present myself as an actor, a musician, and a loyal and very humble servant of the club.
Jo March: We'll be the judge of that.
Laurie: In token of my gratitude and as a means of promoting communication between adjoining nations, shouting from windows being forbidden, I shall provide a post office in our hedge, to further incourage the bearing of our souls and the telling of our most appalling secrets. I do pledge never to reveal what I recieve in confindence here.
Meg: Well, then. Do take your place Rodrigo.
Jo March: Sir Rodrigo.

Jo March: He's dull as powder, Meg. Can't you at least marry someone amusing?

Beth: I feel stronger with you close by.

Amy: We'll all grow up one day, Meg. We might as well know what we want.

Jo: If only I could be like father and crave violence and go to war and stand up to the lions of injustice.

Younger Amy March: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.

Jo: If I weren't going to be a writer I'd go to New York and pursue the stage. Are you shocked?
Laurie: Very.

Jo: Now we are all family, as we always should have been.

Marmee: I am going to write this man a letter.
Jo: A letter. That'll show him.

Jo: I go around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals!

Jo: What's going to happen?
Friedrich: The inevitable.

Jo: Will we never all be together again?

Amy: I don't wanna die. I've never even been kissed. I've waited my whole to be kissed, and what if I miss it?
Laurie: I tell you what. I promise to kiss you before you die.

Friedrich: But I have nothing to give you. My hands are empty.
[entwines her hands with his]
Jo: Not empty now.

Laurie: I have loved you since the moment I clapped eyes on you. What could be more reasonable than to marry you?
Jo March: We'd kill each other.
Laurie: Nonsense!
Jo March: Neither of us can keep our temper-...
Laurie: I can, unless provoked.
Jo March: We're both stupidly stubborn, especially you. We'd only quarrel!
Laurie: I wouldn't!
Jo March: You can't even propose without quarreling.

Marmee March: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You're ready to go out and - and find a good use for your talent. Tho' I don't know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it.

Beth: I'm so full of happiness, that if Father was only here, I couldn't hold one drop more.

Amy: You don't need scores of suitors. You need only one... if he's the right one.

Laurie: I'm quite taken by that one.
Jo: That's Meg!
Laurie: Meg.
Jo: That's my sister. She's completely bald in front.

Friedrich Bhaer: You must write from the depths of your soul!

John Brooke: Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed.

Laurie: Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.

Beth: I know I shall be homesick for you even in Heaven.

Josephine 'Jo' March: Doesn't he have a noble brow? If I were a boy I'd want to look just like that.

Jo March: I find it poor logic to say that women should vote because they are good. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are male, and women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country.
Mr. Mayer: You should have been a lawyer, Miss March.
Jo March: I should have been a great many things, Mr. Mayer.

Friedrich: Your heart understood mine. In the depth of the fragrant night, I listened with ravished soul to your beloved voice. Your heart understood mine.

Jo: Late At night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation.

Younger Amy March: Butter! Oh isn't butter divinity? Oh god thank you for this breakfast.

Younger Amy March: Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves.

Amy: Jo, how could you, your one beauty!

Beth: If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you... making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as anything much. Not a great writer like you.
Jo: Beth, I'm not a great writer.
Beth: But you will be. Oh, Jo, I've missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you.

Little Women Part 1/13

Little Women Part 2/13

Little Women Part 3/13

Little Women Part 4/13

Little Women Part 5/13

Little Women Part 6/13

Little Women Part 7/13

Little Women Part 8/13

Little Women Part 9/13

Little Women Part 10/13

Little Women Part 11/13

Little Women Part 12/13

Little Women Part 13/13

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