英語歌曲:Ordinary Day 來源:風翼

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聽歌矯正發音 來源: [ 美語世界] 風翼 於 09-03-17 02:10:01 http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=mysj&MsgID=45123 個人感覺聽歌學發音是一個捷徑,唱歌很容易模仿,要模仿說話就難了。 一首幾年前的歌,聽得多了,就有了些感覺,印象最深得就是那句“take my hand”,這句重複了三次,聽她是如何發hand這個音的,下頜向斜下方伸展,牙齒間可容納兩個手指,至少露出15,6個牙,本來這個口型最適合發出“啊”的音,可一定要把這個“啊”壓扁,所以舌尖很自然的頂住下齒底部,舌中部力裏靠近上顎。 那麽bad, cat, animal,ant就都一起矯正了。 Song: Ordinary Day Just a day, Just an ordinary day. Just trying to get by. Just a boy, Just an ordinary boy. But he was looking to the sky. And as he asked if I would come along I started to realize That everyday you find Just what he's looking for, Like a shooting star he shines. He said take my hand, Live while you can Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words Although they did not feel For I felt what I had not felt before You'd swear those words could heal. And as I looked up into those eyes His vision borrows mine. And I know he's no stranger, For I feel I've held him for all of time. And he said take my hand, Live while you can Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand In the palm of your hand. Please come with me, See what I see. Touch the stars for time will not flee. Time will not flee. Can you see? Just a dream, just an ordinary dream. As I wake in bed And the boy, that ordinary boy Or was it all in my head? Did he asked if I would come along It all seemed so real. But as I looked to the door, I saw that boy standing there with a deal. And he said take my hand, Live while you can, Don't you see all your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand In the palm of your hand, In the palm of your hand. Just a day, just an ordinary day Just trying to get by. Just a boy, Just an ordinary boy. But he was looking to the sky.

