zt : 意象壯美 意境高遠

意象壯美 意境高遠   ──毛澤東《沁園春·長沙》賞析   裘曙潔       “意象”是我國古典美學中的一個術語,它包括“意”和“象”兩方麵的內容。這裏的“意”指的是創作主體的思想感情,這裏的“象”指的是作為創作客體的客觀物象。詩歌的意象就是詩人的思想感情與客觀物象的融合,而意境則是詩人通過種種意象的創造和組合所構成的一種充滿詩意的藝術境界。毛澤東《沁園春·長沙》這首詞不僅內容豐富,而且氣勢磅礴,畫麵壯闊,意象壯美,意境高遠。筆者認為,如果從意象美的角度去賞析這首詞,對準確把握這首詞的思想內容及藝術特色也許能另辟一徑。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美突出表現在景物的選取上,作者視野開闊,選取的景物或廣博,或宏偉,或雄峻。以上闋“看”字所總領的幾句詞為例,有山上的“層林”,有江中的“百舸”,有空中的雄鷹,有水底的遊魚。而從景物的狀態看,有靜態的火紅的楓林,有動態的“爭流”的“百舸”等。作者從遠望到近觀,從仰視到俯瞰,天長地闊,山紅水綠,“籠天地於形內,挫萬物於筆端”(陸機《文賦》)。   作者對景物的選取,在很大程度上是製約於立意的,古代文人墨客的“悲秋”“傷秋”“歎秋”等詩文就正是由他們特定的“意”所決定的。譬如,馬致遠的《天淨沙·秋思》將“意”立在“斷腸人在天涯”,所選之“象”便自然是“枯藤”“老樹”“昏鴉”“瘦馬”等;杜甫的《登高》將“意”立在“萬裏悲秋”“艱難苦恨’:上,所取之“象”也自然離不開那“哀猿”“落木”等。毛澤東的立意積極向上,昂揚奮進,他所取的“象”,就自然是那些競相向上、生機勃勃的景物了,如萬山、層林、百舸、雄鷹、遊魚等。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美還表現在意象的表達上。意象的選擇固然很重要,但意象的表達則更應別具匠心。詩人筆下的意象不應是客觀的白描,而應是“灌注了生氣的形象”(康德語),毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中為了給選取的客觀物象“灌注”更多的生氣,很注重意象的表達,如上闋中“看”字所總領的一組意象群,其中“萬山紅遍”“層林盡染”“漫江碧透”中的“萬”“層”“漫”以及“遍”“盡”“透”這些詞在範圍、程度、層次等方麵,使紅綠兩色更為突出,更為豐富,更為濃豔鮮明,令人感到可愛。詩人除了表現山紅水綠的靜景的優美外,還著意描寫事物動態的壯美,“百舸爭流”中的“爭”字,給碧綠無塵的江麵增加了昂揚奮進的氣氛,活現出千帆競發、爭先恐後的熱烈場麵。“鷹擊長空”“魚翔淺底”中,由於“擊”“翔”這兩個富有創造性和表現力的動詞的運用,準確而生動地刻畫出了在萬裏長空中鷹飛的矯健和在清澈見底的江水中魚遊的歡愉自在,如果把“擊”“翔”換作“飛”“遊”,就表達不出雄鷹展翅飛翔時矯健有力的姿態,表達不出魚遊水中那輕快自在的情趣。詩人在“萬類霜天競自由”中用一個“竟”字,則有力地突出了在寒秋嚴霜下的萬物蓬勃旺盛的生命力,讓人感受到詩人對大自然的無限熱愛和由衷讚美。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美表現在意象的組合上。詩詞中的意境內涵不僅包蘊在一個個意象之中,更體現在意象的組合關係之中。詩人們寫詩,往往將一個個單一的意象按照美的規律,組成有機的、有時空距離的、有層次的畫麵,使其產生連貫、對比、烘托、暗示等作用,向讀者展示絢麗多彩的生活圖景,傳達豐富多彩的思想感情。詩人們常用多種方式來實現意象的組合,毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中主要采用並置式和輻射式兩種方式。詩詞意象的並置,如同電影鏡頭的蒙太奇組接,主要將單個的意象以並列的形式相互並置在一起,從而形成全詞整體的“複象美”,亦即組合美。如上闋中“看”字所總領的一組意象群,從整體上看都是並列關係,詩人以並置的手法將意象組合在一起,並且注意動靜搭配,遠近結合,從而構成一幅色彩絢麗的“湘江秋色圖”。又如詞的下闋中所回憶的往昔生活,也是兩兩並置,突出了年輕的革命者奮發向上、敢作敢為的精神,為我們描繪了一幅幅生氣勃勃的“少年學子圖”。   詩詞意象的輻射,即在群體意象中以一意象為中心並由此向四周“輻射”而形成一個意象群。仍以上闋“看”字所總領的七句為例,“萬山”“層林”“百舸”“雄鷹”“遊魚”等意象則是在中心意象“萬類霜天”的輻射下形成的,下闋中的“指點江山,激揚文字”這兩個並置的複合意象也是在“風華正茂”的“同學少年”的輻射下形成的。而從全詞看,中心意象應該是“獨立寒秋”的“我”,其他意象則是在這一中心意象的“輻射”下形成的。在這裏,胸懷博大的看風景人也便成了“風景”,這是一幅氣勢磅礴的“偉人圖”嗬!   毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中,由於選取物象典型,表達意象生動,組合意象巧妙,創造出了高遠的意境,形成了一幅幅壯闊的畫麵,使得這首詞具有很強的審美效應。     Translation: Chinese » English 意象壯美 意境高遠   ──毛澤東《沁園春·長沙》賞析   裘曙潔       “意象”是我國古典美學中的一個術語,它包括“意”和“象”兩方麵的內容。這裏的“意”指的是創作主體的思想感情,這裏的“象”指的是作為創作客體的客觀物象。詩歌的意象就是詩人的思想感情與客觀物象的融合,而意境則是詩人通過種種意象的創造和組合所構成的一種充滿詩意的藝術境界。毛澤東《沁園春·長沙》這首詞不僅內容豐富,而且氣勢磅礴,畫麵壯闊,意象壯美,意境高遠。筆者認為,如果從意象美的角度去賞析這首詞,對準確把握這首詞的思想內容及藝術特色也許能另辟一徑。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美突出表現在景物的選取上,作者視野開闊,選取的景物或廣博,或宏偉,或雄峻。以上闋“看”字所總領的幾句詞為例,有山上的“層林”,有江中的“百舸”,有空中的雄鷹,有水底的遊魚。而從景物的狀態看,有靜態的火紅的楓林,有動態的“爭流”的“百舸”等。作者從遠望到近觀,從仰視到俯瞰,天長地闊,山紅水綠,“籠天地於形內,挫萬物於筆端”(陸機《文賦》)。   作者對景物的選取,在很大程度上是製約於立意的,古代文人墨客的“悲秋”“傷秋”“歎秋”等詩文就正是由他們特定的“意”所決定的。譬如,馬致遠的《天淨沙·秋思》將“意”立在“斷腸人在天涯”,所選之“象”便自然是“枯藤”“老樹”“昏鴉”“瘦馬”等;杜甫的《登高》將“意”立在“萬裏悲秋”“艱難苦恨’:上,所取之“象”也自然離不開那“哀猿”“落木”等。毛澤東的立意積極向上,昂揚奮進,他所取的“象”,就自然是那些競相向上、生機勃勃的景物了,如萬山、層林、百舸、雄鷹、遊魚等。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美還表現在意象的表達上。意象的選擇固然很重要,但意象的表達則更應別具匠心。詩人筆下的意象不應是客觀的白描,而應是“灌注了生氣的形象”(康德語),毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中為了給選取的客觀物象“灌注”更多的生氣,很注重意象的表達,如上闋中“看”字所總領的一組意象群,其中“萬山紅遍”“層林盡染”“漫江碧透”中的“萬”“層”“漫”以及“遍”“盡”“透”這些詞在範圍、程度、層次等方麵,使紅綠兩色更為突出,更為豐富,更為濃豔鮮明,令人感到可愛。詩人除了表現山紅水綠的靜景的優美外,還著意描寫事物動態的壯美,“百舸爭流”中的“爭”字,給碧綠無塵的江麵增加了昂揚奮進的氣氛,活現出千帆競發、爭先恐後的熱烈場麵。“鷹擊長空”“魚翔淺底”中,由於“擊”“翔”這兩個富有創造性和表現力的動詞的運用,準確而生動地刻畫出了在萬裏長空中鷹飛的矯健和在清澈見底的江水中魚遊的歡愉自在,如果把“擊”“翔”換作“飛”“遊”,就表達不出雄鷹展翅飛翔時矯健有力的姿態,表達不出魚遊水中那輕快自在的情趣。詩人在“萬類霜天競自由”中用一個“竟”字,則有力地突出了在寒秋嚴霜下的萬物蓬勃旺盛的生命力,讓人感受到詩人對大自然的無限熱愛和由衷讚美。   《沁園春·長沙》一詞的意象美表現在意象的組合上。詩詞中的意境內涵不僅包蘊在一個個意象之中,更體現在意象的組合關係之中。詩人們寫詩,往往將一個個單一的意象按照美的規律,組成有機的、有時空距離的、有層次的畫麵,使其產生連貫、對比、烘托、暗示等作用,向讀者展示絢麗多彩的生活圖景,傳達豐富多彩的思想感情。詩人們常用多種方式來實現意象的組合,毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中主要采用並置式和輻射式兩種方式。詩詞意象的並置,如同電影鏡頭的蒙太奇組接,主要將單個的意象以並列的形式相互並置在一起,從而形成全詞整體的“複象美”,亦即組合美。如上闋中“看”字所總領的一組意象群,從整體上看都是並列關係,詩人以並置的手法將意象組合在一起,並且注意動靜搭配,遠近結合,從而構成一幅色彩絢麗的“湘江秋色圖”。又如詞的下闋中所回憶的往昔生活,也是兩兩並置,突出了年輕的革命者奮發向上、敢作敢為的精神,為我們描繪了一幅幅生氣勃勃的“少年學子圖”。   詩詞意象的輻射,即在群體意象中以一意象為中心並由此向四周“輻射”而形成一個意象群。仍以上闋“看”字所總領的七句為例,“萬山”“層林”“百舸”“雄鷹”“遊魚”等意象則是在中心意象“萬類霜天”的輻射下形成的,下闋中的“指點江山,激揚文字”這兩個並置的複合意象也是在“風華正茂”的“同學少年”的輻射下形成的。而從全詞看,中心意象應該是“獨立寒秋”的“我”,其他意象則是在這一中心意象的“輻射”下形成的。在這裏,胸懷博大的看風景人也便成了“風景”,這是一幅氣勢磅礴的“偉人圖”嗬!   毛澤東在《沁園春·長沙》中,由於選取物象典型,表達意象生動,組合意象巧妙,創造出了高遠的意境,形成了一幅幅壯闊的畫麵,使得這首詞具有很強的審美效應。     Images of the sublime mood Gaoyuan ─ ─ Mao "沁園Spring Changsha" Appreciation 裘曙Jie "Image" is China's classical aesthetics of a term, which includes the "intended" and "as" two aspects. The "Meaning" refers to the main creative thoughts and feelings are here, "like" refers to the object as a creative and objective images. The imagery of poetry is the poet's thoughts and feelings with the objective of the integration of images, and the mood is a poet through a variety of image creation and a combination of poetic art realm. Mao Zedong's "Spring沁園Changsha"這首詞not only rich in content, but also the magnificent, magnificent screen, image sublime, lofty mood. The author believes that if the image of the United States from the perspective of Appreciation go這首詞,這首詞to accurately grasp the ideological content and artistic characteristics may be able to separate one track. "Spring沁園Changsha" The imagery of the United States the word highlighted in the selection of features, the author of vision open, select the features or extensive, or grand, or雄峻. The above poem "watch" a few words of the Consul General of the word as an example, the mountain has a "storied," Jiang has the "hundred Ge", has the air of Eagle, have the fish underwater. State from the scene look, have a static red-hot Fenglin, have dynamic "between flow" and "Ge hundred" and so on. Authors from the near-sighted view, from looking up to the bird's eye view, long and wide, Shanhong水綠, "heaven and earth in the shape inside the cage, down everything in筆端" (Lu Ji's "Wen Fu"). Authors of the selected scene, to a large extent are constraints in the conception of the ancient文人墨客the "Autumn" and "Autumn" "Autumn sighed," It is in poetry, such as by their specific "intended" by the decision. For example, Ma's "Tian Jing Sha Thoughts in Autumn" will be "intended to" introduce legislation in the "people in斷腸天涯", selected the "elephant" would naturally be "枯藤" "tree" "faint crow" "瘦馬", etc. ; Du Fu's "high" will be "intended to" introduce legislation in the "Miles Autumn" "the difficulties of hate ': on, by taking the" elephant "naturally can not be separated from the" ape sorrow ""落木"and so on. Mao Zedong's conception positive up, high-spirited Endeavor, he admitted the "like" those who are competing on the natural, progressive, vibrant scenery, and such as Wanshan, storied, Ge hundred, eagles, fish and so on. "Spring沁園Changsha" The imagery of the United States the term is also reflected in the imagery of expression. The choice of imagery is in itself very important, but the expression of imagery should be more distinctive originality. The imagery of the poet's impression should not be an objective白描, and should be "a lively image of reperfusion" (German Culture and Sport), Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha" in order to select the objective images "reperfusion" more angry, very focused on the expression of image, as explained in terms of "look" word by a group of consul-general imagery group, one of "popular Wanshan" "storied make dyeing" "Man Jiang碧透" the "ten thousand" "layer" "Man "and" times "" do "" Turner "These words in the scope, extent, level, etc., so that both red and green color is more prominent, more rich, more rich distinctive, it is lovely. Performance poet, apart from static水綠Shanhong King's beautiful, but also dynamic effort describing the splendor of things, "百舸爭流" the "indisputable" character to the green clean the river to forge ahead in an increase of high-spirited atmosphere, live show Qianfan compete, with each other warm scenes. "Eagle hit the sky," "Fish Cheung shallow end", because of "hit" "Raymond," these two creative and expressive use of the verb, accurately and vividly portray the thousands of miles long in the air Yingfei's powerful and crystal clear water in the fish swimming in joy at ease, if the "hit" "Raymond" for a "flying" "Tour" and not on the expression of powerful eagle fly when a powerful gesture, expression can not fish in the water The lighthearted atmosphere comfortable. Poet in the "ten thousand competing category霜天freedom" using an "even" character is effectively highlighted the autumn and winter嚴霜all things under the vibrant vitality, a sense of the poet of nature's infinite love and heartfelt praise. "Changsha沁園spring" in the U.S. image in the Image of the combination. Poetry is not only the mood包蘊connotation個imagery in a way, but also reflected in the image of a combination of relationship. Poets write poetry, often a single image in accordance with the laws of the United States, composed of organic, has the temporal and spatial distance, and have levels of the screen to produce a coherent, comparison, contrast, suggesting that such role, colorful display to readers picture of life, to convey a variety of thoughts and feelings. Poets used a variety of ways to achieve a combination of imagery, Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha" in the main adoption and home-style-type and radiation in two ways. Poetry Imagery and home, as movie montage lens group access, the main will be a single image to form a tie with each other and buy together to form the whole wide word "complex as the United States", that is, combination of the United States. As concerns the "look" word by a group of consul-general imagery group, are tied for the whole relationship between the poet and in the way home will be combining imagery, and with attention to dynamic and static, near and far, thereby form a color brilliant "Autumn Xiangjiang map." Another example is the next word in the poem of the past memories of life, is 22 and home, highlighting the young revolutionary advance, aggressive spirit of our vibrant paintings depicting the "juvenile students map" . Poetry Imagery radiation, that is, in groups of image in one image as the center and thus to the surrounding "radiation" and form a group image. The above poem is still "look" in the Consul-General of 7 as an example, "Wanshan" "storied" "hundred Ge" "Eagle" "fish" and other imagery is in the center image of "ten thousand霜天category" of radiation formed under the terms of the "pointing Jiangshan,激揚文字" This juxtaposition of the two composite image is in the "prime" and "Student of Youth" formed under the radiation. Words from the whole look, the center image should be "independent hanqiu" and "me", the other image is the image in the center of the "radiation" formed under. Here, the scenery look broad-minded people will also become a "landscape", which is a magnificent "great plans" Oh! Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha", because of the typical images selected to express the vivid imagery, ingenious combination of imagery to create a purely artistic conception, forming a magnificent painting of the screen, making這首詞has a strong aesthetic effect . Chinese > English swapTranslate Suggest a better translation Thank you for contributing your translation suggestion to Google Translate.We'll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates to our system. Images of the sublime mood Gaoyuan

─ ─ Mao "沁園Spring Changsha" Appreciation

"Image" is China39;s classical aesthetics of a term, which includes the "intended" and "as" two aspects. The "Meaning" refers to the main creative thoughts and feelings are here, "like" refers to the object as a creative and objective images. The imagery of poetry is the poet39;s thoughts and feelings with the objective of the integration of images, and the mood is a poet through a variety of image creation and a combination of poetic art realm. Mao Zedong39;s "Spring沁園Changsha"這首詞not only rich in content, but also the magnificent, magnificent screen, image sublime, lofty mood. The author believes that if the image of the United States from the perspective of Appreciation go這首詞,這首詞to accurately grasp the ideological content and artistic characteristics may be able to separate one track.

"Spring沁園Changsha" The imagery of the United States the word highlighted in the selection of features, the author of vision open, select the features or extensive, or grand, or雄峻. The above poem "watch" a few words of the Consul General of the word as an example, the mountain has a "storied," Jiang has the "hundred Ge", has the air of Eagle, have the fish underwater. State from the scene look, have a static red-hot Fenglin, have dynamic "between flow" and "Ge hundred" and so on. Authors from the near-sighted view, from looking up to the bird39;s eye view, long and wide, Shanhong水綠, "heaven and earth in the shape inside the cage, down everything in筆端" (Lu Ji39;s "Wen Fu").

Authors of the selected scene, to a large extent are constraints in the conception of the ancient文人墨客the "Autumn" and "Autumn" "Autumn sighed," It is in poetry, such as by their specific "intended" by the decision. For example, Ma39;s "Tian Jing Sha Thoughts in Autumn" will be "intended to" introduce legislation in the "people in斷腸天涯", selected the "elephant" would naturally be "枯藤" "tree" "faint crow" "瘦馬", etc. ; Du Fu39;s "high" will be "intended to" introduce legislation in the "Miles Autumn" "the difficulties of hate 39;: on, by taking the" elephant "naturally can not be separated from the" ape sorrow ""落木"and so on. Mao Zedong39;s conception positive up, high-spirited Endeavor, he admitted the "like" those who are competing on the natural, progressive, vibrant scenery, and such as Wanshan, storied, Ge hundred, eagles, fish and so on.

"Spring沁園Changsha" The imagery of the United States the term is also reflected in the imagery of expression. The choice of imagery is in itself very important, but the expression of imagery should be more distinctive originality. The imagery of the poet39;s impression should not be an objective白描, and should be "a lively image of reperfusion" (German Culture and Sport), Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha" in order to select the objective images "reperfusion" more angry, very focused on the expression of image, as explained in terms of "look" word by a group of consul-general imagery group, one of "popular Wanshan" "storied make dyeing" "Man Jiang碧透" the "ten thousand" "layer" "Man "and" times "" do "" Turner "These words in the scope, extent, level, etc., so that both red and green color is more prominent, more rich, more rich distinctive, it is lovely. Performance poet, apart from static水綠Shanhong King39;s beautiful, but also dynamic effort describing the splendor of things, "百舸爭流" the "indisputable" character to the green clean the river to forge ahead in an increase of high-spirited atmosphere, live show Qianfan compete, with each other warm scenes. "Eagle hit the sky," "Fish Cheung shallow end", because of "hit" "Raymond," these two creative and expressive use of the verb, accurately and vividly portray the thousands of miles long in the air Yingfei39;s powerful and crystal clear water in the fish swimming in joy at ease, if the "hit" "Raymond" for a "flying" "Tour" and not on the expression of powerful eagle fly when a powerful gesture, expression can not fish in the water The lighthearted atmosphere comfortable. Poet in the "ten thousand competing category霜天freedom" using an "even" character is effectively highlighted the autumn and winter嚴霜all things under the vibrant vitality, a sense of the poet of nature39;s infinite love and heartfelt praise.

"Changsha沁園spring" in the U.S. image in the Image of the combination. Poetry is not only the mood包蘊connotation個imagery in a way, but also reflected in the image of a combination of relationship. Poets write poetry, often a single image in accordance with the laws of the United States, composed of organic, has the temporal and spatial distance, and have levels of the screen to produce a coherent, comparison, contrast, suggesting that such role, colorful display to readers picture of life, to convey a variety of thoughts and feelings. Poets used a variety of ways to achieve a combination of imagery, Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha" in the main adoption and home-style-type and radiation in two ways. Poetry Imagery and home, as movie montage lens group access, the main will be a single image to form a tie with each other and buy together to form the whole wide word "complex as the United States", that is, combination of the United States. As concerns the "look" word by a group of consul-general imagery group, are tied for the whole relationship between the poet and in the way home will be combining imagery, and with attention to dynamic and static, near and far, thereby form a color brilliant "Autumn Xiangjiang map." Another example is the next word in the poem of the past memories of life, is 22 and home, highlighting the young revolutionary advance, aggressive spirit of our vibrant paintings depicting the "juvenile students map" .

Poetry Imagery radiation, that is, in groups of image in one image as the center and thus to the surrounding "radiation" and form a group image. The above poem is still "look" in the Consul-General of 7 as an example, "Wanshan" "storied" "hundred Ge" "Eagle" "fish" and other imagery is in the center image of "ten thousand霜天category" of radiation formed under the terms of the "pointing Jiangshan,激揚文字" This juxtaposition of the two composite image is in the "prime" and "Student of Youth" formed under the radiation. Words from the whole look, the center image should be "independent hanqiu" and "me", the other image is the image in the center of the "radiation" formed under. Here, the scenery look broad-minded people will also become a "landscape", which is a magnificent "great plans" Oh!

Mao Zedong in the "Spring沁園Changsha", because of the typical images selected to express the vivid imagery, ingenious combination of imagery to create a purely artistic conception, forming a magnificent painting of the screen, making這首詞has a strong aesthetic effect . Google Home - About Google Translate

