宮外孕 – 英語長句一個有趣的結構

來源: 宋德利利 2009-02-23 05:50:53 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1981 bytes)
宮外孕 – 英語長句一個有趣的結構


英語長句中有不少以which為關聯詞的定語從句。如果隻有一個定語從句,無論是原文還是譯文大都可以放到與被修飾的名詞最近的地方。如:He gave me the book which was bought by my brother. 他把我弟弟買的那本書給了我。但是,有時定語從句非常多,母句套子句,子句套孫句,大有子子孫孫沒有窮盡的氣勢,結果給翻譯帶來很大困難。我把這種從句過多的句子戲稱為“宮外孕”,也就是真正的實質性內容被甩到主句之外。在翻譯時可順水推舟,你宮外孕,我就宮外產。像下麵這個句子很長,但主句其實就是個普通的簡單句,與我上麵列舉的那個單一定語從句沒有本質區別。

He anticipates the applause and admiration which in this case would be bestowed upon him, and he applauds and admires himself by sympathy with sentiments, which do not indeed actually take place, but which the ignorance of the public alone hinders from taking place, which he knows are the natural and ordinary effects of such conduct, which his imagination strongly connects with it, and which he has acquired a habit of conceiving as something that naturally and in propriety ought to follow from it.

He anticipates the applause and admiration which in this case would be bestowed upon him, and he applauds and admires himself by sympathy with sentiments, 是主句。其後的5個which定語從句都是修飾sentiments的。如果這5個定語從句都像我上述例句那樣宮內孕式的翻譯,那怎麽得了?非得把孕婦肚子撐爆不可。與鑒於此,不妨先簡簡單單地把主句說清楚,接下來有條不紊,悠然自得地一一講來。試譯如下:

他期待著在這種情況下將會得到的讚揚與欽佩,他帶著某些情感,以同情之心來讚揚和欽佩自己,而這些情感的確並沒有實際產生,而且僅僅是因為公眾的不知情才沒有產生, 他自己也知道這些情感是行為產生的既自然又普通的結果,而且與自己的想象緊密相關,他已經習以為常地將它們看成是應該來自行為的自然而得體的情感。





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