英語朗誦原文:On Satira Streeter

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英語朗誦原文:On Satira Streeter 來源: VOA 朗誦:billnet Satira Streeter says she grew up in a community like Anacostia. She did not know her father and lived with a mother who had mental problems. Her mother became dependent on drugs and could not take care of her. So Miz Streeter began living with other families when she was eleven years old. She says other people helped her deal with her problems. So she believed it was time for her to help others. She says her goal in life is, in her words, to be a healer and a helper to the people of her community. ************ billnet, 謝謝你流利的英語朗誦,如果能提供朗誦原文就更好了,這樣便於網友們的學習和閱讀,再謝你的分享。



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