About the time to go back to Stoicism.
“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.” – Marcus Aurelius
The phrase means that the most effective way to respond to someone who has wronged you is not to stoop to their level by acting with negativity or malice, but instead to rise above and demonstrate your own positive character by being a better person than they are.
It encourages individuals to resist the temptation to mirror negative behaviors and instead choose to be the better person, even when faced with adversity.
- Source: dear Google (with editing)
Canada has a new Prime Minister since last night. Knowing little about politics, I have no idea how long the new PM will be in office wrt the inevitable coming election, as there were so many examples of "won the battle but lost the war".
What interests me is the live debate during a political race. Often I felt like watching a clown show .
People can hide under cover of a well prepared statement, but their true personality and quality will show in a live debate.
I admire those who use facts and reasoning, instead of personal attack, to get their points across, even when themselves being personally attacked.
Those are the ones who take the high road, and know that the best revenge is not to be like their enemy!