Be the first to attack a sinner. The implication in Jesus' teaching was that
the members of the congregation were only in a position to condemn a sinner
if they were without sin themselves - in other words, `judge not lest you be
This phrase derives from the Bible- John 8:7. The earliest biblical example
of it in print in English comes in Miles Coverdale's Bible, 1535:
Now whyle they contynued axynge him, he lift him self vp, and sayde vnto
them: He that is amonge you without synne, let him cast the first stone
at her.
- [edited]
Jesus's standard feels beyond reach. Thank God I'm spared from the dark days of
war when ordinary guys just like me, or slightly better trained than me, had to
cast the first and next projectiles much worse than stones.
Since arriving in America, I've been approached by missionary folks, bearing the
righteous and unattainable messages. ``Don't you want to join us and become a
Christian?'' they sometimes ask after preaching. ``I've always been on my way to
becoming a Christian,'' was my studied reply. I heard that quip somewhere and
thought it made life easier for an aspirant.