Vegetables Arrangement - Orange

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Orange is one of my favorite colors. It is bright. It is warm. 

After I first saw and tasted Sungold cherry tomatoes, I knew it will be in our garden year after year.

Kellogg's breakfast tomato was first planted in our garden last year. I fell in love with it right away after the first sight of its fruit. The fruit is big and delicious. It became the staple of our garden.

P1:Sungold Tomato and Kellogg's breakfast tomato;




P5:Tomatos, pan-fried halloumi cheese and basils.

P6:fried tomatos, loofah and shrimps

P7: Pan-fried salmon with  tomatos , red and green shishito peppers



Frm garden to table, veggies are turned to dishes&arts! -暖冬cool夏- 給 暖冬cool夏 發送悄悄話 暖冬cool夏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 17:11:30

Cooked dish on a hollowed halved sigua-新創意!擺盤好看!你的西紅柿像桔子! -暖冬cool夏- 給 暖冬cool夏 發送悄悄話 暖冬cool夏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 17:14:20

Thank you. You are always encouraging. 對,有時也象柿子,如果碰到那種形狀的。 -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 17:48:40

Thank you qiulan. Appreciate your comments. -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 02:08:46

haha, 讚!4 me, white is #1, orange is #2, so we r close ;-) -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:18:32

I like P5,6,7especially, as I can take&eatNow afterA longDay -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:20:41

謝謝白雲美眉的藝術和廚藝分享。 -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:26:50

謝謝西島欣賞。簡單的家常菜,沒啥技術含量。 -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 02:03:43

I hope I can air drop some to you. -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 01:57:29

種過一次白色茄子, 產量不高,放棄。 -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 02:01:29

cutest food -移花接木- 給 移花接木 發送悄悄話 移花接木 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:42:00

My toys -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 01:56:17

#3 Looks like a young lady wearing a sun hat~ -妖妖靈- 給 妖妖靈 發送悄悄話 妖妖靈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:55:58

Haha, you got it. -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 01:54:16

Love the food! -7grizzly- 給 7grizzly 發送悄悄話 7grizzly 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 09:40:15

Thanks. -天邊一片白雲- 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2024 postreply 16:14:42
