The song was originally released by the Eagles in 1994. But I like Lijian's version much more. He sang it with such passion and such power, and you could feel that he used his whole body to "shake" the sound. I feel deeply moved when listening to it.
So, my friends, please use the best acoustic system in your possession, close your eyes and just listen. I am sure you will want to listen to it a 2nd time (or like me, repeatedly in the past week since I found it). The good news is that the lyrics were on the screen, and now you can check them yourself if you got them all correct.
In case you like the song and have a bit of time, could you post a word or two to share your thoughts?
Thanks and happy listening.
Added: 加上李健說的一段很美很有哲理的話。我沒有翻譯這段話的能力和水平,隻是貼上來和大家分享
“人們看到我可能書寫過好幾次夕陽。人們想到夕陽就會想到夕陽無限好,隻是近黃昏。但恰恰在我看來,我喜歡那樣的一個瞬間,那樣的一個柔和的感覺。即溫馨又有光照,不熱烈但很溫暖。我不知道這種對夕陽的著迷源自何處。一個人真正擁有的時間,並非隻是早晨上午下午黃昏夜晚,可能夜晚之後還有夜晚,或者是夜晚之後還有清晨。 當然擁有了一些閱曆,有了些年紀的時候,常常有一種慣性的心理,總在不自覺或者自覺地來提醒自己在時間的位置,或提醒自己的年齡。人不應該刻意地尋找自己在生命上的時間刻度,你隻有忘記時間,才能夠更自由。時間人們通常認為是一個線性的,但通過自己的眼中,通過自己的心理上的一種轉換,可以讓時間的刻度變長變短。我記得有句話說的特別好:死亡不是失去了生命,而是走出了時間。”