Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth

回答: December 25 not Jesus Bday but Paganized dayTJKCB2023-12-25 16:27:42


of Jesus.There is no exact date of Jesus' birth in the Bible -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2023 postreply 17:29:18

Yes, your statement is accurate. The Bible does not provide -TJKCB- 給 TJKCB 發送悄悄話 TJKCB 的博客首頁 (3740 bytes) () 12/25/2023 postreply 21:48:32

Thanks for the confirmation. Merry Christmas to you! :)) -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2023 postreply 05:07:22
