A horse racing

Once I went to a horse racing ground in 2009. I did not buy a ticket for betting, I did not want to, stingy in one respect, not interested in betting or gambling in another respect. Even I did not buy a ticket, I could still get into the racing ground. The only thing I wanted was taking some pictures (All pictures were taken in both JPG and NEF (Nikon RAW) formats. All pictures were modified from NEF files and saved as JPG files with names related to a brief discription of modification methods used).

I took some pictures of the racing ground, and stitched them together manually with a free software called photostitch, like this:

When I chopped the photo using Photoshop 7.0 and HDR(high dynamic range)ed with (D. Lighting in Nikon Captre Editor 4.3.0), it looked like this:


The following picture was taken when horses were at the far left site of the racing ground (above picture), with Nikon D70, iso 200, 1/1000 s, f9.5, 500 mm (equivalent to 750 mm in 24x36 mm standard, Sigma 50-500 mm):

Autoleveled, sharpened with Corel AfterShot Pro 2021:

Modified with Nikon Capture Editor 4.3.0:

The follwing one was taken with Nikon D70, iso 200, 1/1000s, f9.5, 370 mm:

Autoleveled, straightened, sharpened with Corel AfterShot Pro 2021:

Modified with Nikon Capture Editor 4.3.0:

The following one is a panning picture with iso 200, 1/45 s, f32, 195 mm, on a tripod. The camera was following the movement of the horses and jockeys horizontally:

Autoleveled, sharpened with Corel AfterShot Pro 2021:

Modified with Nikon Capture Editor 4.3.0:

The following one is a panning picture with iso 200, 1/45 s, f32, 195 mm, on a tripod. The camera was following the movement of the horses and jockeys horizontally:

Autoleveled, straightened, sharpened with Corel AfterShot Pro 2021:

Modified with Nikon Capture Editor 4.3.0:

A brother was watching his sister with a binocular,

with iso 200, 1/500s, f5, 85 mm:

Autoleveled with Corel AfterShot Pro 2021:

Modified with Nikon Capture Editor 4.3.0:


好照片,好英文!興趣愛好如此廣泛。這是在哪裏的賽馬?為何沒票也可以進入賽場?:) -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 06:12:29

Del Mar in San Diego -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (574 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 06:55:24

當時有些觀眾拿著報紙,大概是訂的,裏麵有馬、競賽記錄等供你賭馬的信息。沒研究過,沒讀過。 -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (143 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 07:32:46

謝謝分享~~ -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 08:09:52

It was Sea Biscuit wearing #3! -7grizzly- 給 7grizzly 發送悄悄話 7grizzly 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 10:28:24

謝謝。聽說過那大名。我是馬盲,進場隻是為照相。 -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (383 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 11:41:46

Sorry. I was joking. There I think was only one Sea Biscuit. -7grizzly- 給 7grizzly 發送悄悄話 7grizzly 的博客首頁 (114 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 13:39:17

Great photos, by the way. -7grizzly- 給 7grizzly 發送悄悄話 7grizzly 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 13:39:50

讚好文章好片子! -Oona- 給 Oona 發送悄悄話 Oona 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 10:29:08

謝謝 -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 11:55:21

這個Sigma 50-500mm的畫質還真不錯。 -唐宋韻- 給 唐宋韻 發送悄悄話 唐宋韻 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 11:37:57

太重,4磅多。我幾乎把它當微距以外的唯一的鏡頭。這鏡頭的一張荷花: -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 11:51:47

這是我用20mm鏡頭拍的一張廣角微距。可以顯示周圍“生態” -唐宋韻- 給 唐宋韻 發送悄悄話 唐宋韻 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 14:32:51

好拍!我很喜歡跑馬,偶爾下注賭一把還挺好玩的。 -waterfowl- 給 waterfowl 發送悄悄話 waterfowl 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 16:17:57

開始兩張銜接的功夫,了不起! -古樹羽音- 給 古樹羽音 發送悄悄話 古樹羽音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2023 postreply 16:46:37

謝謝。現成的software。 -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2023 postreply 09:17:57
