Inviting a Friend to Supper
Tonight, grave sir, both my poor house, and I
Do equally desire your company;
Not that we think us worthy such a guest,
But that your worth will dignify our feast
With those that come, whose grace may make that seem
Something, which else could hope for no esteem.
It is the fair acceptance, sir, creates
The entertainment perfect, not the cates.
Yet shall you have, to rectify your palate,
An olive, capers, or some better salad
Ushering the mutton; with a short-legged hen,
If we can get her, full of eggs, and then
Lemons, and wine for sauce; to these a cony
Is not to be despaired of, for our money;
And, though fowl now be scarce, yet there are clerks,
The sky not falling, think we may have larks.
I’ll tell you of more, and lie, so you will come:
Of partridge, pheasant, woodcock, of which some
May yet be there, and godwit, if we can;
Knat, rail, and ruff too. Howsoe’er, my man
Shall read a piece of Virgil, Tacitus,
Livy, or of some better book to us,
Of which we’ll speak our minds, amidst our meat;
And I’ll profess no verses to repeat.
To this, if ought appear which I not know of,
That will the pastry, not my paper, show of.
Digestive cheese and fruit there sure will be;
But that which most doth take my Muse and me,
Is a pure cup of rich Canary wine,
Which is the Mermaid’s now, but shall be mine;
Of which had Horace, or Anacreon tasted,
Their lives, as so their lines, till now had lasted.
Tobacco, nectar, or the Thespian spring,
Are all but Luther's beer to this I sing.
Of this we will sup free, but moderately,
And we will have no Pooley, or Parrot by,
Nor shall our cups make any guilty men;
But, at our parting we will be as when
We innocently met. No simple word
That shall be uttered at our mirthful board,
Shall make us sad next morning or affright
The liberty that we’ll enjoy tonight.
1。 雞一隻斬塊,均勻的撒上細鹽,放入盤中,加薑塊,蔥段,料酒隔水用猛火蒸15分鍾左右,直到沒有血絲滲出來就可以了,最好掌握到剛剛熟,肉質嫩滑即可。
鴨半隻,用叉子在鴨皮上戳些小洞,用鹽,料酒,薑,蔥醃製4-5小時,衝洗幹淨; 7-8飯碗水加薑片,蔥段,料酒,桂葉燒開,放進鴨子以中火燜煮18-20分鍾,熄火繼續浸泡25分鍾,取出鴨子,抹上少許麻油,稍涼後斬塊擺盤。
材料 : 魚中塊(洗淨用少許料酒,蔥,薑鹽15分鍾),蔥絲,薑絲,芫茜。
調味料 : 1.醬油,清水,白胡椒粉,2.滾油。
做法 : 魚肉厚處劃幾刀,盤底用蔥段墊底,擺上魚塊,鋪上薑片,蔥段,放進蒸籠以旺火蒸10分鍾,取出魚塊擺進另個幹淨盤裏,倒進調均的調味料(1),鋪上薑絲,蔥絲,淋上三大匙滾油即可。
肉 - 扣肉
材料 :方塊五花肉(約500公克),青江菜適量。
醃料 :醬油兩大匙,酒兩大匙,八角兩顆,蒜3-4辯,薑4-5片。
調味料 :冰糖兩大匙,太白粉水適量。
做法 :(1)肉洗淨,以醃料醃20分鍾後入油鍋炸至金黃色(炸時皮朝下,油隻需泡到肥肉處,瘦肉不需炸),撈起浸泡於冷水中(這個步驟叫走油)。