Your photos are kind of harmless

回答: Looking back on Covid Infectionwaterfowl2023-10-15 06:05:05

Let me show you a  gut ranching wrenching photo

In eraly 2020, Seattle was hit hard by COVID 19. There were quite a few COVID related deaths among eldly. Authority had no choice but to shut down the visitation of nursing home to prevent COVID virus from spreading among old people. Those eldly were isolated inside nursing home complex. The relatives and family had to visit the eldly through the wondow. There were people didn't make it through the COVID.

This COVID shit caused unprecedented disaster all over the world. There are over one million deaths in America alone. Did anyone realinze the death doll of Korean war /Vietnam? It is around 50 thousand. 

Once again, this shit can not happen again. To be honest, i am surprised America didn't start World war three by now. I mean, one million death and astronomical amount of loss of money. 


There were horror stories abound -waterfowl- 給 waterfowl 發送悄悄話 waterfowl 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 14:08:17
