Charcoal grilled assorted shellfish

We had this meal at a seaside restaurant in Soraepogu, a seaport community near Incheon. Live clams, whelks, scallops, oysters, shrimps, crabs, abalones, sea snails, squids and fishes are available for grilling over charcoal fire. We selected an assortment of bivalves - clams, scallops and oysters. Nothing compares to the freshness and umami taste of live seafood. Dipping sauce consists of Korean sweet chili sauce and wasabi/soy sauce. It was quite a dining experience. Highly recommended!



Yummy -方外居士- 給 方外居士 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 04:47:37

Looking forward to your beautiful poems. -waterfowl- 給 waterfowl 發送悄悄話 waterfowl 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 04:57:04

Live clams, whelks, scallops, oysters, shrimps, crabs -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 05:25:11

abalones, sea snails, squids and fishes -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 05:26:29

每一樣,請給我來一打!!!喜歡海鮮。照片太誘人啦!舌尖上的韓國~~ -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 05:28:36

A bit overwhelming, isn't it? : ) -waterfowl- 給 waterfowl 發送悄悄話 waterfowl 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 05:30:29

Nooooope…多多益善!呼朋喚友,享受美食,飲酒作詩,人生一大樂事也!哈哈 -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2023 postreply 05:37:22
