【一朵梵高的向日葵】 【A Van Gogh's Sunflower】

本帖於 2023-09-22 18:52:52 時間, 由普通用戶 天玉之 編輯


    【A Van Gogh's Sunflower】




             By Tian Yu Zhi





In Van Gogh's vase of sunflowers,

Some are withering in hearts,

Some are dying in their souls ——

What color is your sunflower?



Is it in Van Gogh's golden yellow,

As if the sun blazes through the back of the canvas,

Shines on the petals, on the tiny seeds,

Radiates those around you?




Oh, be a Van Gogh's flaming sunflower,

Bloom bright yellow,

With your wide open eyes, a fiery soul,

Even in thunders and rain, hear musical, 




Until one day, you are too old to utter a word, 

Or make a difference, a sudden, painless death, 

As falling sun-kissed seeds scream to spread 

In the spring soil,




Like what you did, a hundred years ago 









I have read the biography of Van Gogh when I was in my 20s. It was a very thick book but I finished it. It had a lasting effect on me. I went to “Beyond Van Gogh” last summer with my girlfriend and we had a great time there. Here is a video of that visit. Let's see how many paintings you can recognize from it. It was very interesting for me to read about each of the painting's creative background, some were directly from Vincent's own words. I hope you too enjoy the art and the video! ~~










喜最後兩節,有力。 -中間小謝- 給 中間小謝 發送悄悄話 (80 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 17:58:55

謝謝!Good call, 改了 ~ 問好! -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 18:53:30

讚。今年我看了2場梵高展,6月在大都會博物館看了《星空》真跡,8月在哈佛大學藝術博物館看到梵高自畫像的真跡。視覺很震撼 -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 18:43:30

嗯,震撼,記得看到他手跡時也是很震撼。今夏在倫敦和巴黎,看了不少他的畫。打算去阿姆斯特丹他的博物館,那裏最全 ~ -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 18:51:30

Exhibition Tour—Van Gogh's Cypresses | Met Exhibitions -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (194 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 18:45:11

越了解他,越覺得了不起,真正的藝術家,一心撲在藝術上,對世界充滿愛,索取的那麽少,噢,在巴黎還去看了他的舊居 ~ -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 18:56:50

我也去看了!可能我們擦肩而過:DDD -愛聽歌的奧黛麗- 給 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 發送悄悄話 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:33:37

哇!這麽巧!下次要約著同行了 :) 你去 love wall 了嗎?我走了那個15個點的 walking tour in -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (63 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 20:00:48

MET這個秀,我是6月底看的。:)) -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 20:08:12

Some are withering in hearts, Some are dying in their souls -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:18:49

What color is your sunflower? -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:20:26

》》This poem has a great start, and it's captivating. :)) -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:22:47

Thanks! Mine is bright yellow, or try to be : ) -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 20:02:49

這個夏天去紐約非常幸運趕上大都會梵高的一個展,真是看不夠的感覺! -愛聽歌的奧黛麗- 給 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 發送悄悄話 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:32:40

看來我們去了梵高的同一個展。從6月到8月,一直都非常受歡迎。。 -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:55:08

對,我七月底去紐約,去了才知道有這個展,趕緊排上日程。 -愛聽歌的奧黛麗- 給 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 發送悄悄話 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 19:57:49

本來打算十月份跑阿姆斯特丹馬拉鬆的,順便看梵高博物館,改下回了,遊玩得累了,歇一歇 :) -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2023 postreply 20:05:22
