Saint=you change yourself; crazy to want to change others

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What I love about coaching is the perspective that there is nothing to be fixed. Everyone has their own inner wisdom, and my role is to help them decolonize their minds enough to trust themselves as true experts of their own lives.
Those who can change themselves are gods; those who want to change others are crazy.

Nothing but the Truth (Kate Beckinsale, Nicolas Cage) Matt DillonAngela Bassett, 2008, (The difference between "Jail" and "prison" - do you know?")
"with great people, I realized that there is no difference between principle and the people" at 1:28:50 
(principle = the people)Principles Matter with consequences for generations to come. What a brave woman!
BTW - Unneeded bit of trivia, here - Kate Beckinsale is quite an accomplished scholar, who attended Oxford University for 2 years. She speaks Russian and French, in addition to English. I don't know about anybody else, but I find that to be intriguing.
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What people need is simply to know they aren't alone. -妖妖靈- 給 妖妖靈 發送悄悄話 妖妖靈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/30/2022 postreply 13:33:09
