
在秋日splendid sunshine 中看John Dover Wilson 的莎士比亞傳。


他評伊麗莎白時代:the whole world was in flux, and yet by some trick of magic men trod on solid ground.


我們可能認為我們在一個糟糕的時代,其實世界從來就是這樣,in flux. 於混亂中,我們要建立的是the sense of balanced flight, with unique quality of happiness and spontaneity procrastinator 伊麗莎白女王是個經典例子,她永遠在猶豫,永遠在宗教,戰爭與和平,結婚與否中搖擺(perpetually hesitating between Protestantism and Catholicism, between peace and war, between marriage and virginity)而她的不明確性反而導致一種奇妙的穩定:百家爭鳴,競爭,開拓和繁榮更不用說在這種不評價不定論的寬鬆環境下的音樂,舞蹈,戲劇的全麵發展和巨人的湧現,讓現代的我們依然能感受:the delicacy of his poetic workmanship,the cunning of his dramatic effects, the infinite riches of his art…


我們是不是也要這樣,在不確定的大環境下過確定的生活,堅持與生俱來的好奇和愛好,trod on solid ground, in this resplendent season 
