






[CHINESE] 代表: <大紅的燈籠高高掛> 蘇童著,天地圖書有限公司,1994

[ENGLISH] 代表: "Raise the Red Lantern", Su Tong, Translated by Michael Duke, Perennial, New York, 2004.




[CHINESE] P. 165, Line 11: 生殖器像弓一樣繃緊著。

[ENGLISH] P. 17, Line 9: his penis was as taught as a well-drawn bow.

[NOTE]: Typo: "taught" should be "taut".



[CHINESE] P. 170, Line 3: 卓雲也笑,我說老爺怎麽又上我那兒去了呢。

[ENGLISH] P. 22, Line 24: Cloud laughed and said, "I wondered why in the world you came over to see me again."

[NOTE]: "you" should be "the Old Master".



[CHINESE] P. 198, Line 10: 梅珊抓起裘皮大衣和圍脖起身,

[ENGLISH] P. 59, Line 16: She gathered up her fur wrap, flung it around her neck, and stood up.

[NOTE]: 圍脖 is scarf; it should be: She gathered up her fur wrap and scarf, ...



[CHINESE] P. 36, Line 4: 你們知道陳寶年到底賺了多少錢夠買三百畝地嗎?

[ENGLISH] P. 128, Line 2: "Do you know just how much money Chen Baonian's made? Is it enough to buy a hundred and fifty acres of land?"

[NOTE]: 1 acre = 6 mu ().



[CHINESE] P. 40, Line 12: 你們會像一百多名來自農村的竹匠一樣夾著糧袋潛伏在碼頭上等待三更月落時分。

[ENGLISH] P. 134, Line 6: Like more than a hundred bamboo craftsmen just in from the villages, you would have hid yourselves on the wharf, in between the grain sacks, waiting ...

[NOTE]: 夾著糧袋 is not "in between the grain sacks".



[CHINESE] P. 47, Line 1: 一九三四年楓楊樹周圍方圓七百裏的鄉村霍亂流行,

[ENGLISH] P. 140, Line 19: In 1934 cholera raged in the 350-square-mile area around Maple Village,

[NOTE]: 方圓七百裏 is not equal to "350-square-mile".



[CHINESE] P. 51, Line 7: 巫師邊唱邊跳,舞動古銅色的鬼頭大刀,

[ENGLISH] P. 146, Line 16: The black-robed sorcerer sang and danced, waving that ancient, copper-colored demon-headed sword.

[NOTE]: 古銅色 is bronze-colored, not "ancient, copper-colored".



[CHINESE] P. 96, Line 7: 沉草從前在縣中的朋友盧方就是這樣說的。

[ENGLISH] P. 196Line 18: Chencao's friend in the county seat, Lu Fang, said that to him once.

[NOTE]: 縣中 is "the county middle school".



[CHINESE] P. 120, Line 120: 風快吹來了。

[ENGLISH] P. 224, Line 8: A breeze blew quickly over their way.

[NOTE]: should be: The wind would start blowing soon.



[CHINESE] P. 137, Line 11: 地主一家疑惑地瞪著陳茂,然後是麵麵相覷。

[ENGLISH] P. 244, Line 17: The landlord family stared suspiciously at Chen Mao, and he stared back at them.

[NOTE]: The landlord family stared suspiciously at Chen Mao, and gazing at each other in speechless despair.



[CHINESE] P. 151, Line 8: “為什麽不讓我幹了,我恨他們,我能革命!

[ENGLISH] P. 260, Line 7: "Why can't I fuck her? I hate them all, and I can make the revolution against them!"

[NOTE]: Here  is not " fuck ".

