
完全不一樣,是警告人們不要在言談中提及devil的,提了devil就來找你麻煩了。但沿革到今天意思已經大變,對此網上有解釋:This phrase, in its current usage, is a lighthearted way of referring to someone who has unexpectedly come in when being talked about。 However, prior to the 20th century, it wasn’t a lighthearted one. The full form of this phrase is “Speak of the Devil and he will appear”, and was meant to warn people not to talk about the Devil. It was widely known and used by the mid 1600s. Source: theidioms.com


也對,英文諺語也是有修辭的 -盈盈一笑間- 給 盈盈一笑間 發送悄悄話 盈盈一笑間 的博客首頁 (36 bytes) () 10/01/2021 postreply 12:53:52

盈盈好!都見到魔鬼了,還不驚奇嗎,嘎嘎:) -忒忒綠- 給 忒忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/01/2021 postreply 13:29:00

謝謝伊比 -忒忒綠- 給 忒忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/02/2021 postreply 18:49:00
