Ha, ha; I have visited the Met quite a few times, though. :)

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回答: see The Temple of Dendur in Egypt? : )盈盈一笑間2021-09-27 17:53:36

Honestly, I was really surprised by how close those pyramids were from Cairo.  It was dark when we arrived at our hotel in Cairo so we hit the sack without checking the surroundings.  I went outside to take a walk inside the hotel's courtyard as soon as I got up the next day.  Sensing something ahead as I was walking along, I looked up and was greeted by a most unforgettable vista: a huge myramid looming right outside the hotel wall.  :)      

BTW, we did take a dinner cruise on the Nile.  But we would not have been able to see the Temple of Dendur had it not been moved to the Met as it was originally located in Southern Egypt near present-day Aswan. 
