1. Living without goals is like sailing without a compass.
2. Winter is here, can spring be far behind?
3. Humor is rightly interpreted as "expressing feelings with sincerity and embracing deep thoughts in fun"
4. The world is like a mirror: frowning at it will frown at you, and smiling at it will also smile at you.
1. 有時人們付出最多的代價卻一無所獲。
2. 世界可以因人的努力而改變,而這種努力可以帶來新的更好的事物。 人不能視而不見就以為切斷了將他與社會聯係在一起的紐帶。 他必須永遠接受新事物和敏感物; 並有足夠的勇氣和技能來處理新的事實。
1. I noticed he visits the website and writes his replaying for posts everyday, but I only see he has written his post once in a blue moon
2. I tried to translate some Chinese ancient poetries into English, but I found it is really difficut for me to bite off more than I could chew.