好久沒上美語壇了,今晚剛看到活動通知,匆忙錄製了一段有關愛的英文配音, 向熱心的版主和壇友們問個好!
The excerpt is from a 2016 movie, "How to be Single," starring Dakota Johnson. Here is her monologue:
"I've been thinking that the time we have to be single is really the time we have to get good at being alone.
But how good at being alone do we really want to be?
Isn't there a danger that you'll get so good at being single, so set in your ways, that you'll miss out on the chance to be with somebody great?
Some people take baby steps to settle down; some people refuse to settle at all;
Sometimes it's not statistics; it's just chemistry.
And sometimes, just because it is over, doen't mean the love ends..."