Here is my another hobby at this time, singing! Thanks to the music app in the smart phone, I was able to picked it up from last year, it's been more than 20 years already since the last time I went a KTV in China and I enjoy it a lot, specially during this difficult time. Sometimes singing a old song brings back a good memory in the past, or cheers me up by learning a new song.
"Nocturne" was the winning song in the Eurovision Song Contest 1995, performed in Norwegian by Secret Garden representing Norway. It was the second time Norway won the contest, after it had won in 1985 with Bobbysocks! song "La det swinge". For their performance at the Contest the Secret Garden duo of Fionnuala Sherry and Rolf Løvland featured three guest musicians; Norwegian vocalist Gunnhild Tvinnereim, Hans Fredrik Jacobsen on penny whistle and Swedish nyckelharpist Åsa Jinder.
這首《Nocturne》中文名叫《夜曲》,來自神秘園樂隊。伴著小提琴聲和人生吟唱,仿佛置身於仙境,引領聽者思緒進入心靈深處。1995年,神秘園首張唱片《Songs From A Secret Garden》麵世,這張專輯風格比較統一,樂曲舒緩柔美,充滿了思憶與鬱憂,不經意之間流露出些許的憂愁,令人不得不沉醉於其中。其中的《Nocturne》一曲是神秘園樂隊的成名作,曾獲95年歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍。這首《Nocturne》中文名叫《夜曲》,來自神秘園。伴著小提琴聲和吟唱,仿佛置身於仙境,引領聽者思緒融入悠遠的心海深處。
《Secret Garden》(神秘園)溶合了愛爾蘭空靈飄渺的樂風以及挪威民族音樂及古典音樂,樂曲恬靜深遠,自然流暢,引領人們不知不覺便已溶入其中。神秘園絕對是超凡脫俗的,他對任何一位收藏者來說都是必須傾聽的,他們的音樂是渴望心靈飛翔者的必需品,是祥和、寧靜的畫卷……