1. 漢譯英:
1.1 請用一句話翻譯成英文,有標準答案:
備受爭議的億萬富翁Elon Musk報告說,他的公司Neuralink在猴子的大腦中植入了一個芯片,可以在腦海中玩電子遊戲。
Highly controversial billionaire Elon Musk was reported saying that his company Neurallink has implanted a chip into a monkey's head, which allows the monkey to play video games in its head.
1.2 應情人節的景而出,請把下麵這句宋詞翻成英文,無標準答案:
Although she and he meets only once a year, it beats thousands of times of other encounters.
2. 英譯漢:下麵這句英文是在接受training時看到,一下就記住,可以意譯,可用成語,無標準答案: