趕鴨子上架, 我還真不喜歡讀文章。。。 但是為了迎接新年, 練了好多次
還是拗口, 不如平時說話自然.
My wishes for you, Great beginning for Jan, Peace for Feb, Happiness for March, Cool for April, Luck for May, Success for June, No Worries for July, Gifts for August, Love for September, Travel for October, Joy for Nov, Bliss for Dec. Have a Lucky and Wonderful Year!
Let’s welcome the year which gives hope
Let’s welcome the year which gives happiness,
Let’s cherish each moment it beholds.
Happy New Year!
May this year bring peace
May this year bring health
May this year bring happiness
Have a fabulous New Year ahead!
Here's wishing each and every one of you an awesome year. Happy New Year!
Hope this new year is filled with health, love, prosperity and loads of fun! Happy 2021!
Here's hoping that the new year brings us lots of new and exciting opportunities in our lives. This new year will be our year. Happy New Year!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a Happy New Year. May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.
The future is your story to write… make next year the best one yet.
I’m so proud of everything you accomplished this year, and can’t wait to see what you do in 2021!
Praying that you have a truly remarkable and blissful year ahead! Happy new year to you and your family!