一句話翻譯: 女人 男人篇

本帖於 2020-11-28 11:39:56 時間, 由普通用戶 just_4_fun 編輯

1 沒什麽比一個女人無愧的做自己,坦然自己的不十二萬分完美更稀罕,也更美麗的了

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection.

2 如果一個男人早上起床晚上回床睡覺,間中做他想做的事情就是成功了

A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.


翻譯這些民間俗語的時候因為顧忌會把大家帶入深坑或誤入歧途,而且亦局限於無法同時展示中英雙語對照,就盡量”忠於原著”,做不到自由隨性,看的人太用力則不達。這種玩法,翻譯的人或多或少有些拘住了,所以翻譯不是唯一的,答案也不是唯一的,大家的答案也是各有各理,遠近不同而已。很明顯unapologetic 不是華人習慣的用詞,下麵分享幾個名人的用例:

Joe Biden:
We have a president who has aligned himself with the darkest forces in the nation, we have a president with a toxic tongue who has publicly and unapologetically embraced a political strategy of hate, racism, and division.

Taylor Swift:
The Dixie Chicks were making such interesting music and doing The Dixie Chicks in such an unapologetically feminine, imaginative way, i was very inspired by the album' Fly' and the aesthetics, because it was very clear they had really put a lot into the artwork.

Sanita Belgrave:
That little girl you doubted is now fierce, unstoppable and unapologetically me.


還有就是perfectly imperfect 和 imperfectly perfect 其實也是有差異的,看一下底下的兩個例子就是最好說明:


Human beings - We are so perfectly imperfect. Yes, each one of us.

Nature - Everything surrounding us is so imperfectly perfect. Yes, everything.                      



A rich husband comes home daunting and curses his wife for not adding olives in the salad. Perfectly Imperfect.

A poor husband comes home tired and hugs his wife for her innocent mistake as she mistakingly made plain tea and adds sugar himself. Imperfectly Perfect.



OMG! 題目怎麽這麽好玩這麽難!哈哈哈,等著,我要寫作業!謝謝just4fun主持一句話翻譯! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:12:43

真是好難,試一試,大家都來玩吧:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (1061 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:32:33

我來試一下 -才歌- 給 才歌 發送悄悄話 才歌 的博客首頁 (650 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:32:57

艾瑪,你英文也這麽好:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:48:01

兩個大坑啊,跳一個試試 -七零- 給 七零 發送悄悄話 七零 的博客首頁 (185 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:46:04

艾瑪,你英文這麽好:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 13:47:20

友情提示:既要咬文嚼字,又不用太逐文逐字 -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 14:26:05

這個好玩兒,我試試 -樹的花花世界- 給 樹的花花世界 發送悄悄話 樹的花花世界 的博客首頁 (2131 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 14:48:16

言簡意賅:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 15:28:13

我也來試試 -Ha65494- 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 (900 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 14:55:07

哈梅的安排還挺有意思:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 15:27:24

好玩,我也來試試。 -wbqm- 給 wbqm 發送悄悄話 wbqm 的博客首頁 (320 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 16:10:33

依苑的表達總是自信滿滿:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 17:19:24

Let me try:) -甜蟲蟲- 給 甜蟲蟲 發送悄悄話 (414 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 16:20:02

第一句的翻譯真好啊,不知道答案,但是感覺翻譯得好舒服:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 17:20:39

我也奮不顧身地跳個坑 -火星英語筆記- 給 火星英語筆記 發送悄悄話 火星英語筆記 的博客首頁 (503 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 17:00:43

火星的英語棒棒的:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 17:21:29

我怎麽看不懂? -移花接木- 給 移花接木 發送悄悄話 移花接木 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 18:29:33

嗨呀,你看的太用力了 -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 20:06:09

跳吧跳吧!坑不深,安全有保證,嗬嗬 -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 20:07:18

等著看答案:) -小步舞曲- 給 小步舞曲 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 20:22:37

1. There is nothing more rare and beautiful than a woman who fee -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 21:23:00

feels no regret for being herself, and calm for not one hundred -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 21:26:00

perfect. -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 21:26:00

難道網管也不能解決你這個內容不能寫東西的bug嗎? -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 23:31:19

管理說沒問題。 -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 08:13:00

2. It is a success for a man who could do what he wanted to do i -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 21:39:00

in between getting up in the morning and going to bed at night. -忒綠- 給 忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/27/2020 postreply 21:40:00

My shot -Lipton333- 給 Lipton333 發送悄悄話 (321 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 01:26:28

-beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 12:24:11

什麽時候公布答案?期待中... -陽春下裏- 給 陽春下裏 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 11:27:54

今天要出去玩,提前公布答案。致謝所有參加來訪者! -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 11:41:26

感謝您為大家的付出!unapologetically 如譯為“理直氣壯地”似乎更貼近中文表達。試譯如下,請大家斧正。 -Lipton333- 給 Lipton333 發送悄悄話 (285 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 11:58:36

你的翻譯更具古典美,非常感謝!按版主建議,若願意請接棒下期 -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 12:03:40

哇哇哇,just4fun主持得真漂亮!難怪你語言學得如此出神入化!大謝!還有誰願意主持一句話翻譯,可以跟帖表示,或者由你決定吧: -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (234 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 11:59:24

謬讚了,學語言的路上還早呢,肯定得活到老學到老了 -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 12:05:50

恭喜just4fun。首頁進來,謝謝網管,一句話翻譯“女人男人篇” 掛首成功:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2020 postreply 23:01:26

再貼一圖致謝最勤勉敬業的“風中佳人”版主!如果上麵網友謙虛,讓花花來接棒必定不負眾望! -just_4_fun- 給 just_4_fun 發送悄悄話 just_4_fun 的博客首頁 (88 bytes) () 11/29/2020 postreply 11:55:14

謝謝!:)好!你的接力棒你做主!:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2020 postreply 14:39:03
