This morning I woke up and saw the email from my OBGY doctor: Thank you for choosing ......This email is to remind: you have an appointment on Tuesday ...with Dr. ... at 3pm.
OMG! Today is the Tuesday! I’m almost forgot I made an appointment for an annual check up about a month ago. So I hurried up to finish my work early. Then I rushed to the doctor’s office.
There were couple people waited in line. An Indian receptionist in her 30’s was standing in front of the office, wearing a full protective gear. She was checking people’s ID and measuring everyone’s temperature.
Finally it’s my turn. I was asked by my birthday and the last name. Then, I closed my eyes, waiting for my temperature to be measured.
“Sorry Miss..."
I opened my eyes and saw the Indian lady was smiling at me:
“ But Miss, your appointment is not this Tuesday. It’s next Tuesday!”
What? @#&*$:(((((((((
Anyway, today is the election day. Stay cool. Tomorrow is another day!
Thank you for reading. Please correct me if you see any mistakes.