上一貼聊得還蠻開心,繼續來分享:) 先來一句中翻英,”人有旦夕禍福,月有陰晴圓缺“英文怎麽說?答案有很多,我喜歡的一例,在俚語貼最後:))
< Ring a bell>: 字麵的意思是“把鈴按響了”,日常也使用。但是人們說這個短語的時候,更多的使用它寓意是:聽起來耳熟;或讓某人想起某事。相當於 Sound Familiar
- Does the name Jackie Chan ring a bell? 有一個叫傑克的,有印象嗎?
- His name doesn't ring a bell, so I show her the picture. 對他的名字沒有印象,我於是給她看了照片
<Red Flag>:字麵意思是紅旗,寓意是“ 危險的信號”, 既 Warning Sign。在中文中,紅色也是具有“危險”含義的詞,譬如指某事“亮紅燈”,表示行不通或者不安全的預警信號,或者應該引起警惕的事。
- We didn't swim at the beach last weekend because the red flag was up. 上周末,我們沒有在海邊遊泳,因為有禁止遊泳信號。
- They always say that there are lots of red flags to look out for when you start dating. 他們經常說,當你剛開始約會的時候,要留意對方很多的“危險信號旗”.
- It was a red flag when she told me that she had 3 kids from 3 different men. 當她告訴我,她有三個孩子分別來自三個男人,我嗅到了“危險信號旗”。
<When it rains it pours>: 字麵的意思是剛下雨,就傾盆而下了。寓意是困難和不幸總是接踵而來,與之對應的是中文的諺語“ 屋漏偏縫連夜雨,船遲又遇打頭風”。
- Everyone in my family caught the flu last week at the same time, and then my dog broke his leg. When it rains, it pours. 上周我們全家都得了流感,偏偏趕上狗又折了腿。
- I got fired, my girlfriend broke up with me, and my grandfather died, all in the same week. When it rains, it pours. 上周,我被開除,女友和我分手,然後爺爺病逝,真是屋漏偏縫連夜雨啊!
- I was always told about when it rains, it pours. That is the reason why I save as much of my salary every month as possible. 我經常被警告,不好的事情總是會接著來,所以我每月存錢,未雨綢繆。
<人有旦夕禍福,月有陰晴圓缺>: Shit happens
我也來個聽歌學英語吧。承蒙妖妖同學喜歡我的英文歌,這在古代,是否可以”知音“相稱了? 所以,我準備了一首英文歌送給你,首發在你熱愛的美壇也合適:)。
這是70年代加拿大搖滾歌手Dan Hill 寫的一首歌,他愛上的一個姑娘已經心有所屬,他希望這首歌可以挽回芳心,有沒有挽回我不知道,但是那麽多年來,早有無數芳心為之感動,包括我。我在學生時代第一次聽到這首歌的時候就愛上了。
我最喜歡的一句歌詞是:Who am I to judge you on what you say or do? 這差不多也是我泡壇指向,網絡世界,很多矛盾都是從一些看不慣和不喜歡開始,而這些看不慣和不喜歡,很大部分來自於judge,我根本都不了解你,who am I to judge? 少了judge, 自然有更多的空間留給 accepatance and respect,有了接受和尊重,人與人之間的關係,自然就舒服了。
生活中,有些比較negative 的同事或者朋友,喜歡在背後評頭論足別人,而你又不盡認同又很想讓其閉嘴的時候,這句話是很好擋箭牌,我會說,yeah, it seems a bit odd, but who am I to judge?
Sometimes when we touch
Dan Hill
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
On what you say or do
I'm only just beginning
To see the real you
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes
And hide
I want to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna to hold you till the fear in me subsides
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the years of insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize-fighter
Still trapped within my youth
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes
And hide
I wanna to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you try
I've watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again...
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes
And hide
I wanna to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides