“Satellite ham soaking lapsed stencil mirrored before pyrite faked appliances”
These are the words my teacher wants me to use in my poem. I struggled for two days and even cannot form a draft. I hate restriction, I do not like those words, I do not feel about them. When I feel I am inhibited, I cannot write. I am missing the impulse; my subject does not find me. So I am writing a protest here.
A Protest ( Feb.26)
Giving words for articulation
is like being showed how to live a life.
Who’s voice? Who’s story?
Why should I care?
I am not related to them, a pile of
dead syllabus
If not related, there is
no meaning or purpose after all
I like the word- relation; I like the word- life
Relation is between people, life is all living above
I am missing both to create
something not dumb.
Assignments can be
stupid and deprived. I cannot believe
thousands of people have to go through them, in order
to get a mark. In fact, can the trace we left
be numbered?