Three steps to overcome this:
First, Building your confidence.
Make yourself believe that you can do it. We know that you can do it, and you know that you can do it.
Repeat this phrase (I can do it) numerous times.
(I can do it)
(I can tell)
Note: when you say the word “can” in the middle of a sentence, you say the vowel almost not at all; the word can sound like “kn.”
Second, practise to strengthen your pronunciation so that you can pronounce this phrase (Data analytics) correctly and fluently. It will flow out of your mouth without your notice as needed. Trust and use the method proposed, and use the method to practise to enhance your ability of pronunciation, to strengthen your technique of sounding and saying this phrase. As long as you can pronounce it correctly and smoothly, you will be more willing to say it. The key and goal of this step is to lay a good foundation of pronunciation, and the method can help and assist you to reach that goal. Practice makes one perfect.
(Method as suggested below in Chinese: mimic, imitate and repeat).
Thirdly, to find chances to use this phrase in casual talks. Note that you purposefully make opportunities to say this phrase, such as to a family member or to a friend, at home or outside. You will be able to do this well.
Next and in the coming days, use this phrase purposefully in your speech, in group talks, in seminars in your company or other occasions, you will be more confident and more at ease to use it. In the end, you will be able to utter this phrase out without knowing it.
1. 重複跟讀這個短語,20遍;手寫這個短語10遍;再跟讀,20遍,20遍,20遍。
2. 自己默念:我行,我行,我行。
3. 重複跟讀這個短語,20遍;手寫這個短語10遍;再跟讀,20遍,20遍,20遍,直到自己張口就能說出來為止。這個重複練習強化訓練的目的培養張口就出的本領的,會讀會寫這個短語是一個要求,張口就來就是多數人缺乏的了。就像是籃球的投籃練習,投的準了,為什麽還要進行成百上千次的投籃練習呢,就是為了形成一個定式,形成習慣,培養成在眾多幹擾的情況下也不走形的目的。學英語也是一樣,也要形成定式子,這兒就是語感;形成語感了,就一勞永逸,可以就這個短語的學習作為一個榜樣,以後的其它語言現象的掌握也以此為標準,以後花的時間會越來越少,但效果卻越來越好。
Data裏麵的‘t’音要讀成所謂的’flap t’, 也就是說讀的有點像一個輕聲的‘d’
下麵這個視頻裏,前幾句就讀到的這個短語, 這兩個名詞在一起,作為一個短語,第一個單詞讀的比第二個單詞重。
big data anaLYtics
可以想像‘dad’這個詞。想著老爸可以提醒你。‘dad’這個詞的最後的‘’可以不發音(失去爆破),‘dad'就發音為/DA-/了, 和後麵的 'DAta' 就連起來了。